solved JrBirthday causing SSL error on page

5 years ago
253 posts
Please kindly note that the following error appears to show that the jrBirthday module is causing some sort of mixed content on page error.

Loading mixed (insecure) display content “” on a secure page

updated by @musamensa: 07/24/20 09:23:26AM
5 years ago
7,788 posts
In your sites config.php file found via SFTP at:

what is configured for jrCore_base_url
$_conf['jrCore_base_url'] = '';

is it http:// or https://

The jrBirthday template that is in use with that image is birthday.tpl

It looks to be using the correct variable {$jamroom_url} which should match your sites config.php file.

You can customize that file either from the TEMPLATES tab in the ACP or by copying it to your skins
and adjusting it there.

The cause of the error is the path to the file should be https:// but it is http://
5 years ago
253 posts
jrCore_base_url was but i have changed it to https and reset cache but nothing has changed.
5 years ago
253 posts
{jrCore_module_url module="jrImage" assign="iurl"}
{jrCore_lang module="jrBirthday" id=5 default="Today is %1's Birthday" 1=$item.user_name}{if jrUser_is_logged_in() && $_user._user_id != $item._user_id} - {jrCore_lang module="jrBirthday" id=6 default="share a birthday wish!"}{/if}

everything here looks ok
5 years ago
2,800 posts
After changing the config, did you run the Integrity Check and Reset Caches tools?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
5 years ago
253 posts
yeah, @douglas I did just that.
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Have looked at the source code of your homepage where there are four birthdays today. Interestingly its only the last one (Rockie Flamez) that has this issue. The other three have https. As this is an 'action' module list, it might be that this issue is not a Birthday module issue, but originates elsewhere. Do you have any other modified tempates that might be causing this?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
253 posts
I have checked and only pages that display birthday.png have the SSL error, I also noticed that there are no SSL errors on those pages when I am logged in as admin.
5 years ago
7,788 posts
The cause of the ssl error is the http:// You need to figure out why one item is behaving differently than the others.
