Error with the User Link Module

5 years ago
328 posts

There is an error with the User Link Module. I don't know whether i's a bug or not.

After installing it from the Marketplace, my admin area started giving me a 500 error (in Chrome) or a blank page (in Firefox) whenever I try to visit any module page by click on it in the menu in the right side column of the admin.


The remaining part of the site, both frontend and backend, works well. It's only the module pages in the admin that are having this problem.

The weird part is that I have checked in both server log (cpanel) and data/logs/error_log (SFTP), there is no error report.

Here is the only error I received while trying to run the repair.php:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jrLinkProfile_meta() (previously declared in /home/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxx/modules/jrLinkProfile-release-1.0.2/include.php:50) in /home/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxx/modules/jrLink/include.php on line 60

This error gets fixed (disappeared) only if I delete the module folders: jrLinkProfile and jrLinkProfile-release-1.0.2 from the server using SFTP and run the integrity check.

Please note that my JR and all the modules are updated to the lastest version and everything is green (ok) in the system check.

Please help. How to fix this issue?

updated by @pch: 07/02/20 07:32:50PM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
It works ok for me.
I'm thinking that something is corrupt in the module folders. Is the jrLinkProfile module installed now? I'd suggest disabling and then deleting it, then make sure the original and all version folders for it are gone from the /modules directory, then re-install the module.
Let me know

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
328 posts
Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply. I have done all you have suggested but the problem mentionned in my first post continues.

I have started having it after migrating to a new server. Are you able to uninstall User Link module and install it again from your system (Marketplace)? I am still getting this 500 error whenever I try to install it as already explain above. Then I can not access any module pages anymore.

If I delete jrLinkProfile and jrLinkProfile-release-1.0.2 forlders from the module directory via SFTP and run the integrity check, everything goes back to normal on my site. User Link is the only module giving me problem. I have been using using it all these years without any issue at all. After this server migration it started giving me this headache no matter if I do a fresh installation of it from the Marketplace or not, after removing it completly from the server.

Any other suggestion to fix this issue? Thanks!
5 years ago
328 posts
Please any help? Thanks
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Can you send us the site url and master admin login? We'll then check it out directly.
Send to support[at]jamroom[dot]net

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
