QUICK NOTE: If you want to maximize your SEO start customizing the item_???_meta.tpl files. They are amazing. A big thanks to the JR team for this feature.
My question:
When I set a module as a profile quota's custom index page the item_index_meta.tpl is only called when the current_url contains the module_url. (ie https://mysite.com/profileName/moduleName) Is it possible to adjust the core to allow the item_index_meta.tpl to be called when the current_url only contains jamroom_url/profile_url (ie https://mysite.com/profileName)?
Rather than using Profile Tweaks, I have hard-coded the custom index pages for each quota; in order to avoid the redirects.
The Patria Company - patriaco.com / quality-trades.com / a-t.life - doing Jamroom since v3
updated by @the-patria-company: 06/06/20 10:16:53PM