Tag clouds for specific content and specific display locations

6 years ago
694 posts
My understanding of the tag cloud system in JR is that all content can have tags, and different kinds of content can be chosen to see different kinds of tag cloud... BUT each tag cloud applies to ALL instances of a particular content type.

e.g. in the page for all tags
"All tags" button shows a tag cloud for all content of the site.
"Blogs" shows a tag cloud for ALL blogs.

What I am interested in is being able to create a tag cloud for a specific Blog, that is then displayed on that Blog only.

Or a tag cloud for all posts in a specific Group, with a display of the tag cloud in the sidebar of the Group.

This would allow the tag system to be used more creatively to enhance the user experience of a specific Blog or Group (or other specific content).

I suppose one way around this would be to create specific JR websites with just one blog or one group operating under one URL.... but I don't want to have to manage many different websites in order to create specific tag clouds for specific content.

For a music site, for example, all the work of a particular music group or musician could be tagged and followed with a tag cloud that is displayed only on the profile page of that group.

I am sure what I am suggesting can be done inside JR, but is there interest in making this level of tag control a standard feature of the JR system? Or is it already a standard feature of the system?

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)

updated by @researchcooperative: 02/13/20 07:01:35PM
6 years ago
7,793 posts
if its for a single blog its going to be on a single profile so this should work:
{jrTags_cloud profile_id=$_profile_id search="tag_module = jrBlog"}

The $_profile_id should be available if you put it in a template that is showing on a profile.
6 years ago
4,335 posts
fyi, what Michael says above would return tags for all that profile's blogs. You could expand the search to specific blogs (or other items), eg. -

{jrTags_cloud profile_id=$_profile_id search="tag_module = jrBlog" search2="_item_id = $item._item_id"}

The $item._item_id variable would be available on the item list and detail pages.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
6 years ago
694 posts
OK - so with these strings we can set up a box and search button to search all tags for either all blogs of a specific profile, or just one blog on that profile. If there are no profiles with more than one blog, then Michael's solution should be fine in every case.

Should the string be added in a new field in the "profile create" form or the "profile settings" form or both, or neither (i.e. somewhere else?). These are the only profile-specific places I know where I can add fields, though not directly "in a template that is showing on a profile"

If we go to ACP>Profile module>Templates we see templates that apply to all profiles and with no option to add a new template. So that also doesn't look like the place for a profile-specific template.

How else can a specific profile be targeted? How can the position of the tag search box be controlled?

These are not matters I would attempt doing on my own, so the questions do not need to be answered here unless the answers are of general interest.

I am just happy to know that in principle, the tag search system within a site can be made more selective.

Note: here are real life examples of what I have in mind: when publishers put the content of multiple journals online, we can search the contents of each journal separately. Or on radio or music sites with different channels, we can search each channel separately. In a JR site, each journal or each channel is likely to belong to a separate profile.

Searching tags for all published content is useful, and so is searching tags for specific content areas

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)

updated by @researchcooperative: 11/14/19 06:34:33AM