Jamroom 6.4.0 has been released!

6 years ago
10,149 posts
After several months of development and testing, we just pushed up Jamroom Core 6.4.0 to the marketplace. This new release includes a significant number of updates and fixes, as well as new events, features and performance improvements. You can view the full change log here:


We've been beta testing the 6.4.0 release for a couple months now and are excited to use it as the new base moving forward.

There were also several dozen skin and module updates that rolled out today to accompany the new Core release- lots of new features and updates :)

Please update and let us know how it works for you - we hope you enjoy the new releases!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 04/21/20 02:24:10PM
6 years ago
514 posts
