Combining Sign Up and Subscriptions

6 years ago
10 posts
Is there a way to combine the subscription module with the sign up feature?

As I see now, my users would have to sign up by creating an account and then they would have to go to account settings > subscriptions to actually sign up for a subscription.

I feel like I'm missing something. There has to be a way for a user to choose a subscription and create an account in one step.
updated by @kevin80858: 11/16/19 08:02:37AM
6 years ago
2,800 posts
With Jamroom, the user has to have an account first before they can signup to a subscription.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
6 years ago
10,149 posts
Note that you can set the custom redirect URL for each quota in the ACP -> User -> User -> Quota Config -> "Signup Redirect Page". So you can setup a flow where the user creates their account and are directed right to the subscriptions page to subscribe.

A little bit of history on this one - back in JR4 we used to support this and it was very, very problematic for our sites - the problem is that a profile_id must exist for a subscription to work (since the subscription is basically an "item" belonging to a profile) - so what we had attempted to do was create the profile/user from the payment system callback - but that depended on the info coming back to us from say PayPal - and we had lots of users who would use payment information that was NOT the account they wanted to be under, so there had to be mechanisms to "repair" profiles and user accounts that had been created with the wrong information sent back to us in the callback.

Having the account created first solves all these issues, and is a very "normal" flow for internet accounts (i..e you can't become an Amazon Prime subscriber without signing in first, etc.).

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
