solved Youtube Module deleted tumbnails after running Youtube Integrety check

6 years ago
96 posts
After running Youtube integrety check, all the thumb-images of youtube got removed.
Checkng in the Data Store Brower, I noticed that the youtube_artwork_url is empty.
It just started happening after I run the YouTube integrity check .
I have the latest youtube module installed and the latest jamroom core.
Is there a way to fix it? I would hate to be manually entering the the youtube_artwork_url for 1300 + you videos.
If I knew this would happen I should hat not run the this useful too.

Thank You

image2.PNG  •  24KB

image1.PNG  •  15KB

updated by @luis789: 10/24/19 08:55:15AM
6 years ago
4,335 posts
Sorry for the delay on this - Checking it out now.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
6 years ago
4,335 posts
The YouTube Integrity Check tool pulls data directly from YT for each uploaded video. That data contains the URLs to the thumbnail video image. If that data is different to what is stored on the Jamroom YouTube datastore, the Jamroom data will be updated.
I have checked this on my test sites and it works ok so can only assume that the data your site pulled from YT had those image URLs blank for some reason.
I'd suggest that you run the tool again in the hope that this was a glitch at YT's end and this time, their data does contain the thumbnail URLs, in which case, the Jamroom YT datastore will be restored.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
