Newsletter to inactive users

6 years ago
772 posts
If I select a quota to receive a newsletter, it doesn't appear to include users which have been set inactive. However, I would like the newsletter to go to them. How would I do this?
updated by @blindmime: 07/10/19 12:19:26PM
6 years ago
4,335 posts
This isn't going to be possible. If profiles/users are set to 'inactive', either because they haven't validated their account or site admin has made them so, they are just that and don't feature in any Jamroom functionality. This is part of the system core. Sorry.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
6 years ago
772 posts
What do you suggest as a best practice? I want to flag certain users. I'd like them to be hidden and lose the ability to create content of any kind, blogs, comments, forum posts, etc. I want to send a newsletter to those users.
6 years ago
3,603 posts
Just a thought- instead of actually making the profile Inactive, can you do these two things instead?:
1) Make the profile Private under the profile tab "profile privacy"- only the profile owner (and of course Admin) will see their content. Leave the 'profilfe active' checkbox checked so the system doesn't see them as inactive)
2) Under the Account Tab, do you have a checkbox like I do that says "Set user to zero=no activity possible" ? This may have been a custom thing I had added long ago (I remember editing the help message on it once I got it added), but maybe you have this option as well. If you don't have this, you could get this option like I have it. I recall asking for this option when I discovered that a member could still send private messages to other members even they were set to 'inactive'... which kinda freaked me out at the time. After setting this from '1' to '0', be sure to log them out.

If you are able to do these two things (rather than using the active/inactive checkbox), the member's content will be invisible to other members (but still visible to themselves and admin), and they will not be able to do anything or reset their password or log in.
However, I suspect their profile will still be checkmarked as 'active' and thus they could still receive site notifications and newsletters... Paul do you recall this and am I interpreting the actions correctly?

You could also decide whether you wanted to put them in a special quota or not.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
6 years ago
3,603 posts
I went digging around to find back in time when I set up that form designer thing in the users' Account Tab, and why.
I found it from 3 years ago, here:
Blindmime, I know that thread's a lot to read through, but it may inspire a way to solve your newsletter issue. Not sure but you could try it or something similar.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
6 years ago
772 posts
Thanks, Strumelia. It's helpful to see how others approach similar situations. Most of the users I'm wanting to isolate and limit activity appear to be bots or spam users. But not always. I don't want to stop them from logging in; just all other activity. I want to periodically send out a newsletter that explains their limbo status and tells them they need to do a list of things in order to reenable access. Those that don't respond will be purged.
