Admin Export Images from Gallery

6 years ago
242 posts
We see no simple easy way to download images from Image gallery.
How can an Admin user Export or Download Images from Image Gallery of any profile?
updated by @softdesigns: 07/04/19 11:30:19AM
6 years ago
3,605 posts
Have you tried this?:
Go to a profile's picture gallery, and then go to a specific image page.
Look for the 'configure buttons' button, and see if you can configure it to show the 'download file' button to show, and be sure it's checkbox-set to 'active' for your desired quotas. (All these button settings should be accessible from the buttons right there, unless you have some other restrictions in place in your general site settings.)

See attached image...
download-image.jpg  •  275KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 04/01/19 06:17:47AM
6 years ago
242 posts
Yes - we checked the "configure" - it shows that button should be active, however it is not showing :(

Admin is unable to export or download any of our images
6 years ago
242 posts
Since this thread is going on five days without being resolved, we will go ahead and put in a support ticket...
6 years ago
10,149 posts
Since this thread is going on five days without being resolved, we will go ahead and put in a support ticket...

We've been short staffed here for the last 1.5 weeks - I've been out of town and so has Michael.

If it shows as being configured, my guess is you're using a REALLY old version of a custom gallery template - the buttons at that location are controlled by the core now - not a template, so as long as you reset caches it should show if enabled.

You also need to make sure the ACP -> Profiles -> Image Galleries - Global Config -> "Allow Original Download" is CHECKED.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
