solved BUG - Profile Avatar Looks Terrible

6 years ago
242 posts
New User SignUp via OneAll -
The user G+ automatic avatar image looks terrible:

Profile URL :

On any Mobile the avatar looks even worse than on desktop.

Bad looking images are a recurring issue we have in JR platform.
Please fix Ninja skin, so we can guarantee images look decent in all cases.
updated by @softdesigns: 06/19/19 08:19:21AM
6 years ago
10,149 posts
The ORIGINAL image is horrible:

Jamroom cannot "magically" enlarge an image. You need to upload a LARGE image if you want your images to be crisp.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
6 years ago
3,605 posts
SoftD... the image you uploaded is 50 x 50 pixels, and file size is less than 3 kb.
As Brian said, when enlarged it's going to be completely pixelated/blurry.

My profile avatar image is 384 x 384 pixels and file size is 26 kb. I also uploaded it using the "XL" size option.
Here's how mine looks (also Ninja skin):

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
6 years ago
242 posts
@Strumelia - Thanks, but the user did not upload the image, it was pulled from their Google SignIn (OneAll), and incorrectly enlarged automatically by JR platform.
@brian - You said above:
Quote: The ORIGINAL image is horrible:
Please do not blame the end user for JR code issues that do not occur in other platforms that also use Google SignIn.
This user also used GoogleSign on Twitter, etc, and the SAME image looks fine - because those platforms do not try to enlarge a tiny image. The user only has one Google Account, so you cannot expect users to change their google account to accommodate JR platform ?
This seems to be a BUG, not a user issue. Since the user did not "upload" any image at all. This user Signed up with OneAll, Google SignIn , and JR platform automatically tries to explode the a image that is pulled from OneAll.
I seem to remember OneAll API exposes more than one image size to choose from.
The JamRoom OneAll module integration code should be "tighter" , and check the size of the avatar image, and if it is too small, do not try to enlarge a tiny image.
Status = Bug Not Solved...
6 years ago
10,149 posts
@Strumelia - Thanks, but the user did not upload the image, it was pulled from their Google SignIn (OneAll), and incorrectly enlarged automatically by JR platform.

This is really frustrating to read. Jamroom did not "incorrectly enlarge" the image. The fact that you say that indicates you don't understand what is happening here. Jamroom cannot enlarge a 50x50 pixel image to 512x512 - it WILL be pixelated.

@brian - You said above:
Quote: The ORIGINAL image is horrible:
Please do not blame the end user for JR code issues that do not occur in other platforms that also use Google SignIn.

Please look at the image again. that image is what Google+ gave to Jamroom - we don't have control over it. When a user signs up using OneAll, OneAll will give us different size URLs to download the user's avatar -we always try to use the highest resolution one FIRST and work our way down if the higher res ones are unavailable. We have users sign up here on all the time and the image that gets associated with their account is whatever the remote network gives us.

So there is no bug here and nothing for us to do or change.

The JamRoom OneAll module integration code should be "tighter" , and check the size of the avatar image, and if it is too small, do not try to enlarge a tiny image.

Again, this just shows you're not understanding how Jamroom images work. Jamroom doesn't "enlarge" anything. If it only has a 50x50 pixel image to work with, then any "size" requested over 50x50 will look pixelated - Jamroom cannot create more pixels than there are.

So the image URL YOU are using in your template is:

Do you see the "xxlarge" part? You are telling Jamroom to create a NEW image 512x512 in size, and to use the 50x50 as the SOURCE image (since that is all we have). No wonder it is pixelated!

I'm going to mark this post "solved" since this is not a Jamroom issue. I know you won't like that but I'm not sure how else to explain it. If you continue to find this to be a problem, then Jamroom may not be the right platform for you to use since there really is no other way to handle low-res images.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
6 years ago
10,149 posts
Re-reading my follow up here, and I didn't really post any possible "solutions" - sorry about that.

1) The easiest would be to simply upload a larger version of the profile image for that profile
2) You could customize your profile page and add a template conditional where if the image width (or height) is UNDER a certain size, then simply show it smaller (maybe center it, etc). The only issue with this approach is that your profiles may not have a uniform appearance.

I also will add that Google+ is going "out of business" and I would not be surprised at all that they are no longer offering hi-res versions of images for social signup - they probably turned those off as a way to save bandwidth and money.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
6 years ago
7,799 posts
April 2nd is the day Google+ gets shut down. I can understand why they did not choose April 1st.

I got an email telling me. (screenshot)
april_2nd.jpg  •  477KB

6 years ago
242 posts
April 2nd is the day Google+ gets shut down. I can understand why they did not choose April 1st.

I got an email telling me. (screenshot)

Google is dropping their G+ social network, but definitely NOT dropping their Google SignIn Authentication API
After G+ is taken down, Google should be stable, and not going anywhere.
Google SignIn API is an industry standard, and most major platforms plan to upgrade and implement the new Google SignIn API Authentication.
Since our JR SoftArt platform SignUp / SignIn depends solely on Google Authentication, the continuation of our site depends on the seamless integration of Google Auth into our JamRoom network.
RE: New Google Auth Upgrade - Got this nice message from the OneAll Social Login CEO:

We will of course update our system and implement the new Google authentication.

Best Regards,
Claude Schlesser
Social Network Integration Made Easy
CEO & Founder
6 years ago
7,799 posts
Agreed. The email confirms the google sign in is not going away.

The issue here is G+ though no?
6 years ago
242 posts
Brian attempted to explain the issue above, and I understand - when he says:
Quote: So the image URL YOU are using in your template is:

Do you see the "xxlarge" part? You are telling Jamroom to create a NEW image 512x512 in size, and to use the 50x50 as the SOURCE image (since that is all we have). No wonder it is pixelated!

Please put yourself in "our shoes" - look at this from a "non-technical" simple new user point of view:

- New User goes to
- They SignUp using Google Authentication
- On their mobile , they goto see their new profile
- Their new profile image looks terrible (SEE Attached Image from Mobile Profile)
The user does not understand who is at "fault", or all the technical jargon above.
The user says wow - my new profile looks really bad (and that makes us at SoftArt look bad)
It really is simply a bad experience for the user, so to close this thread as "solved" leaves us in a bind.
We did not write the code for the Ninja skin, and we are not responsible for this bug.
OneAll and Google Auth are industry standards, we must seamlessly integrate with them.
Are we going to blame Google?
This is about improving the user experience, not about blame game, just trying to find a solution:
Our JR network relies on seamless integration with OneAll, including always ensuring the profile images look great. After G+ goes down, OneAll stated above, they will upgrade to new Google Auth, so the solution below should still work.
Possible Solution: Update the OneAll module code :
- Check the resolution of image pulled from OneAll
- Does it meet minimum profile avatar requirement of 512x512 ?
- If Yes - then use the OneAll image for user profile image - it should look great.
- If No - then do not use the OneAll image, just use default profile image.
updated by @softdesigns: 03/17/19 08:56:11PM
6 years ago
4,335 posts
Possible Solution: Update the OneAll module code :
- Check the resolution of image pulled from OneAll
- Does it meet minimum profile avatar requirement of 512x512 ?
- If Yes - then use the OneAll image for user profile image - it should look great.
- If No - then do not use the OneAll image, just use default profile image.

You could implement that within your template -
{if $profile_image_height >=512 && $profile_image_width >= 512}
    // Show uploaded image
    // Show default image


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
6 years ago
242 posts
To clear up confusion from this discouraging thread, the issue seems to be related to the JR OneAll Module.
SEE Attached Image:

If a code fix is implemented at our Site Template level, that would not fix the wider community of JR sites that use OneAll Social Login. :(

It would be a better improvement to the JR platform, if your coders fixed this at the OneAll module or JR system level so that all JR Sites would benefit from this improvement.
