solved removing menu link to user/signup page

5 years ago
56 posts
Hi, I had wanted to make some changes to the user/signup page but I don't see a site builder or form designer function.

I figured I could make a new page but how can I remove the original link to user/signup in the menu?
updated by @hello77957: 05/28/19 12:05:06PM
5 years ago
4,330 posts
Dependent upon which skin you're using there will be a 'menu' template(s), maybe something like 'menu_main.tpl' or header_menu_desktop.tpl' and 'header_menu_mobile.tpl'.
The signup/login menu items will be there.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
56 posts
Got it! (I was looking at the wrong menu)

Thanks Paul!
