I'm posting the changes here as there are other changes in the module that are still under test so I cannot relese it as yet, so if you make these changes to your current version of the GroupDiscuss module (and your GroupFiles module), you should be ok.
jrGroupDiscuss/lang/en-US.php - add in IDs 36 and 37 =
$lang[30] = 'Success - you are now following this group';
$lang[31] = 'You are no longer following this group';
$lang[32] = 'Group Watch';
$lang[33] = 'When you are watching a group for new discussionss how do you want to be notified?';
$lang[34] = 'started';
$lang[35] = 'replies';
$lang[36] = 'can create discussions';
$lang[37] = 'If checked, this User will be allowed to create discussions in this Group';
jrGroupDiscuss/include.php - replace the jrGroupDiscuss_user_config_listener function with this -
function jrGroupDiscuss_user_config_listener($_data, $_user, $_conf, $_args, $event)
$lang = jrUser_get_languages();
$val = 'on';
if (isset($_args['group_member']["{$_data['_user_id']}"]['jrGroupDiscuss_config_allowed']) && jrCore_checktype($_args['group_member']["{$_data['_user_id']}"]['jrGroupDiscuss_config_allowed'], 'onoff')) {
$val = $_args['group_member']["{$_data['_user_id']}"]['jrGroupDiscuss_config_allowed'];
$_tmp = array(
'name' => 'jrGroupDiscuss_config_allowed',
'label' => $lang['jrGroupDiscuss'][36],
'help' => $lang['jrGroupDiscuss'][37],
'type' => 'checkbox',
'validate' => 'onoff',
'value' => $val,
'default' => 'off',
'required' => true
return $_data;
Hope that helps
Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist