solved Jamroom5 not uploading pics, audio or video.

11 years ago
36 posts
Im having troubles uploading ANYTHING to my JR5 installation. Its a newer install on my server and I can't even upload 700kb test pics. I get the upload failed even under Admin. I have checked the upload limits and they are at 256M and the Quota's are checked under media support. HELP! Any help is MUCH appreciated!

I can give login credentials if someone wants to look at this.
updated by @kevinm: 03/11/14 11:44:02PM
11 years ago
7,772 posts
Bit hard to help without being able to see it happening. or an error message to go on.

So the standard things to check are:
* run the Integrity check (
* clear the caches(
* check the system check has no red lights (

Then check
* the activity log for errors (
* the PHP Error Log (

If none of that fixes it, post a link and some log-in details along with steps to reproduce what you see.

Someone will follow those steps and then can offer advice.
11 years ago
36 posts
Hi Micheal,

Ran and cleared all the caches and integrity checks and ran ok. The core had no red lights and I didn't see anything in the error logs.

try to upload an admin pic and that should bring up the error.

11 years ago
7,772 posts
Your marketplace system is not active so your not getting any updates:

Follow the instructions here:

Save it then go to the "System Updates" tab and update your system.
11 years ago
36 posts
Hey Michael,

I followed the instructions and got the marketplace updates for all the modules and its still not working.
Re-checked the data file permissions and they were all writable.

Any other ideas?
updated by @kevinm: 02/06/14 10:18:05PM
11 years ago
7,772 posts
I've just been looking at it. I don't know why your system is not allowing uploads.

It doesn't seam normal.
* The function handleUpload() is running,
* its checking that the upload folder is writable.
* it gets the file size, so the file exists
* it checks it has a normal file extension.

All that happens OK.

Then when it goes to save it, it can't.

So it falls through to the final error of "Could not save uploaded file - upload was cancelled or server error encountered"

which is basically a last error message in the unlikely event that you somehow got all the way through the other checks and it still didn't work.

I would need to setup a development level access to understand further why $this->file->save($fname) is failing.

If you can send your FTP details to support [at] I will be able to look into it.
11 years ago
36 posts
Solved! Turns out as Brian pointed out that the Apache should point to my account and not to www for the user/group settings in MAMP. So if anyone else is having problems look at the user/group settings under your general tab.

11 years ago
10,148 posts
That's good news - thanks Kevin!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
