Member lsiting with menu editor

7 years ago
187 posts

Can i show all members under a menu

Thank you,
updated by @resif: 01/07/19 08:55:35PM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
The URLs to show all Blogs and all Members are and respectively so use those as the menu links.
Where are you wanting to show these menu items? Dependent upon the skin you are using the chances are they are in the main menu already.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
At top like
7 years ago
187 posts
i am using menu editor but not worked with
it shows all quotas so iwrote members...
updated by @resif: 10/08/18 03:04:11AM
7 years ago
2,800 posts
i am using menu editor but not worked with
it shows all quotas so iwrote members...

Change the URL to profile instead of members for your members link and you may also want to set the "Menu Groups" to Normal Users for logged in users, otherwise that menu link will only show to the group you've selected.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
187 posts
sorry i just want to show some quotas i have selected.... when i wrote profile an d selected not showed

now not working anything... anyway... thank you
updated by @resif: 10/08/18 04:25:47AM
7 years ago
187 posts
ok i worked now... it need to select user group with quotas... but still show all quotas..
i selected as group Normal User with quoatas...
wha do i need show only selected quotas..
updated by @resif: 10/08/18 04:32:32AM
7 years ago
187 posts
its like this but still show all quotas
7 years ago
2,800 posts
its like this but still show all quotas

If you only want it to show to just those two quotas, then un-select the normal users group.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
187 posts
@douglas still shows all users... i dont know what isthe problem... its related quotas settings or another thing?

and one thingi if i dont select any user group not seeking menu name on mobile/desktop for a user... just seeking for Master USER Admin
updated by @resif: 10/08/18 07:11:39AM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
I'm wondering if you are expecting this to work differently to what it does?
In a previous topic you were asking how to show profiles only to users in a specific quota.
This menu item group option will only show the menu item to users in that group. Once clicked they will still see ALL profiles. You might also need to put a restriction on what they see, as described in your other topic.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
@paul @douglas
not, i just didnt say
example i want to show my experts to all users...
but now i am showing all users to all users even if select my experts qutoas.... i just said that if i dont select any user group not seeking selected quta users to other user... so i said select a user group @douglas... cos he said dont choice andy user group..

what is the other topic... i didnt see any code to edit at here... just settings on menu editor
updated by @resif: 10/08/18 08:13:19AM
7 years ago
187 posts
if you say this yes but how can apply this for menu editor...
{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" quota_id=1 order_by="_item_id desc" limit=5}
7 years ago
4,335 posts
In that case, set the menu label to 'My Experts' and the menu URL to 'my_experts' (for example). Then goto and Site Builder will ask if you want to create a new page there. Say yes and configure the page layout. Then add a widget, select Template Code for it and add the {jrCore_list module="jrProfile" quota_id=1 order_by="_item_id desc" limit=5} there. Alternatively, select Item List as the widget type and configure that to show the profiles in the required quota.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
In that case, set the menu label to 'My Experts' and the menu URL to 'my_experts' (for example). Then goto and Site Builder will ask if you want to create a new page there. Say yes and configure the page layout. Then add a widget, select Template Code for it and add the {jrCore_list module="jrProfile" quota_id=1 order_by="_item_id desc" limit=5} there. Alternatively, select Item List as the widget type and configure that to show the profiles in the required quota.
ok but its not useful... there is no search (for experts) on this widget... where i can see first soluiton code to edit.. or can edit as code?

if you dont know listing users a menu editor has own search section..
updated by @resif: 10/08/18 09:08:30AM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
In that case, use the Template Code widget and add a search form to your code -

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
In that case, use the Template Code widget and add a search form to your code -

i have a search as general at elastic2...
i asked first solution not witget and to add to search to widget.... iam asking adding with menu editor for profiles... what is the problem with it to show just specific quotas....

if you forgot look at the listing members it has own search
updated by @resif: 10/08/18 09:34:03AM
7 years ago
187 posts
@paul @douglas

this settings is for me does mean...
select a user group : who can see this listing.
select quota : who can visible at this listing

am i wrong ? if it is/or not.. can you fix...
7 years ago
4,335 posts
No. That setting decides who is going to see the menu item only. It doesn't control who sees the page that me menu item links to.
In your screenshot you have selected Normal Users and two Quotas. Normal Users is all users that are logged in, so that would also include the users in the two quotas. If you just want the two quota users to see the menu item, select just those.
Hope that makes sense.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
@paul ok i cant make a only for a quota listing with menu editor as searchable...
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Sorry, not really sure what you are asking, but guessing that you now want the page the menu item points to only visible to the same group that the menu item is visible to?
If so, create the page with SiteBuilder and add the widget(s). Click on the Widget Settings button and you'll see the same group options as in the menu item.
You also mention 'searchable'? How to add a search option to template code has been described above.
Sorry if I'm off-track here, but as I said initially, I don't really understand what you are asking.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
Sorry, not really sure what you are asking, but guessing that you now want the page the menu item points to only visible to the same group that the menu item is visible to?
If so, create the page with SiteBuilder and add the widget(s). Click on the Widget Settings button and you'll see the same group options as in the menu item.
You also mention 'searchable'? How to add a search option to template code has been described above.
Sorry if I'm off-track here, but as I said initially, I don't really understand what you are asking.

@paul you are really intresting man... why you dont read my other post..
why you dont read my post ... like this...

"example i want to show my experts to all users ...
with search box...

look this

look carefully it has ARA does mean search... idid it with menu editor

but with this listing i am listing all users to all users i want to show only my experts with search box to all users...

if i do you said with widget it hasnot search
look this it hasnt a search ( iadded a search box widget)

i want to show just selected quotas( my experts) with search box..

you are really enforce my patience...

i dont care you are a member of Jamroom

you dont underst cos you are not even know this listing has own seach box..

if you has test demo web site and try my soluiton you will see it has a seach box... but you alwasy talking your thinking

i am thinking he shouldnt know search box in this listing...
updated by @resif: 10/10/18 02:10:16AM
7 years ago
3,603 posts
@resif , I realize that your normal language is not english, and there is nothing wrong about that at all. It's admirable that you are able to speak more than one language, and english is not easy to learn.

However you need to know that many of your sentences are very difficult to understand exactly what you are saying or asking for. One sentence seems to say the opposite of something else you've said. I'm sure you do not realize this and you are thinking that people are just not paying attention to what you said. Then you get mad.
Please keep in mind when your patience is being 'enforced' ...that it's NOT that Paul or others are not reading your posts. We DO read them, very carefully, but we are struggling to understand what you are meaning. I have been reading your threads and trying as hard as I can to understand exactly what you are asking for or describing, but it's very difficult for me as well. You use wording that sometimes is very unclear in english. Again, that's not your fault but don't insult people when they cannot exactly understand what you've said.

For you to say "shame on you" to those who are trying very hard to understand what you are writing and help you not the way to get the help you need here in the (free) support forum. The Jamroom developers are trying very hard to help you, but the language issue is a barrier to understanding what is being said or explained from both sides. More patience and respect is what will get you to your goal.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 10/09/18 07:26:53AM
7 years ago
187 posts
@strumelia so you think my english is bad(you are right) and wrote all these complex sentences.... :)

i never wanted free help especially from @paul... he always forcing something i never understand... i will buy already jamroom express just trying this script is realy enough for my project also has Oxwall option... but iliked Jamroom cos it is more stable ...

anyway if @paul said me your english is not good i didnt understand pls wrote correctly
i was try... but problem is not this... he try something i never understand... i always explained my question exstra many sentences... still he sayin alwasy what you want i didnt understand... hey man stop i said what i want many times...

now he dont know even menu listing user has own search box and trying other things with him question..

this is free forum i ask something who want answer... but cant say always i didnt understand what you want do... and i can say.. hey i didnt ask you...
updated by @resif: 10/09/18 07:45:30AM
7 years ago
187 posts
In that case, use the Template Code widget and add a search form to your code -

he understand me wrong and still forwarding me ...

i said i have search box already on themplate... i want search box on user listing as included when open page... you can make a menu user list you will see it has own search box @strumelia

if you do user listing with widgetbox you will ses it has not included search box.... you need to add user searchbox widgetbox near it..

and i said that i dont want to use witget solution cos it hast included searchbox..

he still saying me i didnt understand what you want... :)

i am repeating

i want to list a quota(my experts users) with included search box not search widgetbox or themplate searchbox... anyway it is not posibble with menu editor... we saw the truth
updated by @resif: 10/09/18 08:08:27AM
