Change the icon size of the user images

7 years ago
42 posts
in which css date can I change the icon size of the user images shown in the attachment
timeline.jpg  •  67KB

Christian Bernert

updated by @soglnc: 11/18/18 02:21:00AM
7 years ago
7,788 posts
Turn on "Template name in source" then inspect the element to see which template its in.
inspect.jpg  •  183KB

7 years ago
3,603 posts
Michael, are there any significant disadvantages to just leaving the "Template name in source" option ON all the time for convenience? (like, does it use more site resources or create code problems?)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
7,788 posts
I would turn it off. Its a development tool to help you locate something you can't find. Normally I would use that as the last thing to turn on when I really cant figure out where something is.

Other methods I use are:
#1) grab the class from the thing im looking for and do a search on that over the codebase, something like
class="block_content mt10"
is pretty unique and there most likely wont be more than a few found over the whole code base, so doing a search for that first means I don't even have to turn on the template names in source. :)

#2) understand the structure of things, I know that screen is a profile screen, and I know that section is in the side bar, so I'd go look in the skin for a template called profile_header.tpl and see if it contained anything similar to profile_sidebar.tpl. Then go look down that code until I located the FOLLOWERS section and read the code to see where that lead me to. I'd eventually get to where I wanted to change.
7 years ago
3,603 posts
Yes I usually do your #2 process, though I do a whole lot of bumbling about due to my low skill level. But I can get it done that way about 50% of the time now... simple stuff like changing sizes, colors, number of things, or reversing order etc.

Can you briefly tell me where I would go to "do a search over the database code" ?
Do you mean somewhere within the Datastore Browser? (ACP/Core module/SystemCore/Tools/Datastorebrowser)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
7,788 posts
For me thats my IDE. I use PhpStorm. Its like a text editor that understands php code so can provide helpful highlighting and tips. It also connects via SFTP to my server so when using it it feels like im adjusting the code on the server directly.

It has a built-in "Search and replace" function that is able to scan over all of the code to locate something.

In reality there is one copy of the code on the server, and another on my local pc but because they are kept in sync with each other seaching on my local copy is the same as searching on the server.

PhpStorm is overkill for just doing tweaks here and there, but there are some free editors that are similar.
phpstorm.jpg  •  307KB

7 years ago
3,603 posts
Michael I got PSPad (free) and I find it relatively intuitive for my level. It can compare two panes of codes, search, connect via FTP to a server, find errors, and do lots of stuff I still totally don't understand. But I've used it regularly to compare two code files, and to make .css changes to a file.

What I wonder is-

1) from where/what you actually download you entire site code from your server to keep your copy on your local computer? If so, do you download the whole works?- for me that would include thousands of member videos and photos etc, many GB...? Or are you selecting only CERTAIN folders containing code to download from the server?

2) does turning on the 'template name in source' tool carry over into the code you download from your server and then view in your Phpstorm viewer on your local disk?

thanks for sharing your knowledge!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 08/10/18 06:46:33AM
7 years ago
7,788 posts
#1) I download the /modules and /skins folders. built into PhpStorm is an integration with GIT which is a revision control system. Before I download the /modules and /skins folders I go into ACP -> MODULES -> DEVELOPER -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> TOOLS -> REBASE MODULES (and REBASE SKINS)

That takes all of the:
and deletes all but the currently in use version and puts that on:

So when I go to download it it downloads over the top of my local copy of /modules/jrAudio then GIT tells me that "you have changes to these files....." so I can see whats changed between my previous version and this version.

If you found that the piece of HTML you wanted to change was in the /templates folder of one of the modules but you wanted to change it, you'd use this method:

Docs: "Altering a Modules Template"

and copy the file to your skin, then make the alterations.

2) No. The template names are injected into the HTML when the page is displayed, if you download your skin you would not find that code anywhere.
7 years ago
42 posts
Sorry but I couldn't find out (see my three examples) the content in the css files to reduce the icon and picture size.
example 2.jpg
example 2.jpg  •  97KB

example-3.jpg  •  65KB

example 1.jpg
example 1.jpg  •  124KB

Christian Bernert
7 years ago
7,788 posts
Follow the instructions above to turn on "template name in source" then paste the URL of the location in the screenshots here.
