Not sure if this is only happening on my sites or for everyone:
When any member (either Admins or regular members) types in an @ mention in a post (so that the person mentioned will receive a notification, AND so that others can quickly click the link to go check out the mentioned person's profile page)... here's what happens:
1) it works correctly as expected when you type the user's name after "@" in ALL LOWER CASE letters- typed the same as one sees the user's name in the URL of their profile page. Examples: (works correctly when typed as @strumelia) OR (works correctly when typed as @dusty-turtle)
2) it does send out mention notification however it does NOT create a live link if you type out the user's name as you might see it on their profile page or in a 'posted by' link. Thus, if you type either @strumelia or @Dusty-Turtle it does not create a live link for the mention (but does seem to send out a notification.
Lots of my members SEE fellow members' names shown in various places and on their profile pages as Strumelia or Dusty Turtle, and so they naturally type their mention including upper case, as in: @Strumelia or as @Dusty-Turtle ...then it fails to make a hotlink to the mentioned person's profile page because of the upper case letters they used. --> see my attached screenshot to see this happening.
I could tell my members how to do it in lower case so it works... but most members will not see my instructional post after the first week and they and new members will revert to doing it intuitively using upper case letters they see in the person's profile name.
Is there a way I can fix this to make the system recognize the profile they are typing and form the mention correctly whether including upper or lower case for the first letters of the name?
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 12/02/18 10:46:16AM