solved Signature of a hacking attempt?

7 years ago
694 posts
Today I noticed a user visiting the following page on my site:


In fact, no such page exists, as far as I can tell. So I checked the IP address and found that it comes from a site called "" based in Cork, UK.

Is this the signature of a hacking attempt, or is it something that occurs when we are updating modules from JR? (GIT has something to do with version control, and I did update some modules today).

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 10/09/18 08:31:10PM
7 years ago
7,793 posts

Its someone looking to see if you have a GIT repository on your server.

Anyone can type in any address they like to your site to see if it exists, its not hacking, its just asking a question

It does nothing to your server, your server just replies: 404 page not found. and thats the end of it.

a common one you will see is something like

they are testing to see if your site is wordpress. if it is then they will start checking all the recorded wordpress vulnerabilities
updated by @michael: 07/07/18 05:19:03AM