solved Does ujCategories exist ?

11 years ago
26 posts
I read very interesting things about this module but I could not find it anywhere. Apparently it's also impossible to post a message in the UltraJam forum... Does anybody know more about it ?
updated by @nixt: 03/05/14 09:02:05PM
11 years ago
7,788 posts
others seam to be able to post in the ultrajam form, what issues are you experiencing?

Please be specific so I can understand how to fix or check the issue.

ujCategories is listed in their marketplace:
11 years ago
26 posts
I just don't have the button to create a new post in their forum. As for their Marketplace, if it is there, I can't see it. All I have in their Marketplace is Skype, Together, Image Picker, and IpsumJam. I guess there's a problem with my account...
11 years ago
7,788 posts
Try logging out then logging in again. I can see the + button on

from an account I just created. Should work for you.

As for the ujClassifieds, need to ask SteveX about that one. Best place is in his fourm.
11 years ago
26 posts
Thanks Michael, I can see the + button now.
