solved Using OneAll Social: what does the digit 1 mean in the string "user_jrOneAll: 1" ?

7 years ago
694 posts
I recently set up OneAll Social signup and login, and have been happy to see that some new members are actually using this to signup at our network.

I can see this by viewing user account "keys" (why are they called "keys" rather than say "details"?) here:


To find the accounts that have used OneAll Social, I can do a search the user browser results page that shows user account details (keys)... using the term:


The users that have used OneAll social all show the following result (the digit 1 after the template name (search term):

user_jrOneAll: 1

What does the digit 1 mean in the string "user_jrOneAll: 1" ?

Can other digits be shown in principle, and if so, what would they mean?

I set up my system for signup using Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo, and Facebook.

Does the digit 1 refer to one of these services?

How can I know which service users have used to signup or login?

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 10/01/18 09:02:50AM
7 years ago
7,793 posts
1 probably means 'true'. ones and zeros meaning on or off. Thats not always the case and the script developer can choose the meaning. Its a common practice just to set a marker that you can use later. So its a value used to determine how the code will function.

The reason they are called 'keys' is because of how the data is stored in the database. They are stored in a KEY=>VALUE system which is a type of database structure. What you're looking at is not formatted for any kind of informational report, its just the raw data.

The formatted structure is available at
7 years ago
694 posts

The Social Connections panel is brilliant.

It shows me where the new members are coming from (Google, LinkedIn etc), and allows me to click directly through to the public profile page of the newly joined member on their home network. So I don't need to worry about them not needing to answer signup questions to join our network.

In my case, in a small initial sample of new members, the social connections are coming from


in the ratio of 7:4:1:0

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (