1 Click Ban

7 years ago
1,022 posts
due to all of the spamming I have, I have every signup go to pending. Then I research the signup and ban accordingly. What I would like to see with the activate/deactivate buttons is two things.

1 - check all button
2 - Ban User

The ban user would add the user name, email and IP to the ban list, If you checked multiple accounts, it would loop through all and add.
updated by @dazed: 08/23/18 01:24:39PM
7 years ago
7,794 posts
Currently the Data Browser is the way we do it.
step1.jpg  •  68KB

ban_ip.jpg  •  60KB

step2.jpg  •  68KB

7 years ago
1,022 posts
Thanks Michael. I am looking more for banning, email, ip and username in one shot.
7 years ago
7,794 posts
what would the interface for that look like?
7 years ago
1,022 posts
Well the way I would write requirements for it it would look like this:

Using Gherkin...

Given that I am logged in as an admin
when I go to the dashboard
and I click on Pending
Then I will see a new button called Ban on the signup row
When I click Ban
Then I will get a modal popup with three check-boxes (and a select all option)
When I click ban IP
And I click ban user name
And I click ban email
Then I will receive a confirmation message to confirm ban actions
When I click ok on the confirmation message
Then the signup will be deleted
And the users email, username and ip will be added to the ban section