solved FB Share Wrong meta

Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
I just used the jrYoutube FB share this on my site and its pulling in content from the latest news feed for the meta data on the share and it is also grabbing the wrong pictures which also are coming from the latest news feeds not the Youtube video.

My video is having a lot of success and with in a couple hours i have over 57 shares. However i noticed the shares on peoples page have a different artist picture on the share.

Its pulling from one of the latest news blogs the picture and then it also grabs the text from a different latest blog as well for the share description.

updated by @developer-networks: 03/06/14 12:18:52PM
11 years ago
600 posts
Similar issue I am having

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11 years ago
10,149 posts
I just used the jrYoutube FB share this on my site and its pulling in content from the latest news feed for the meta data on the share and it is also grabbing the wrong pictures which also are coming from the latest news feeds not the Youtube video.

Okay so what this is is that if there is more than 1 image on the page you are sharing, Facebook will (usually) pick the "highest resolution" image as the "share" image - regardless if it is the correct image or not. So make sure on any page you are using ShareThis on that there is only 1 image - the image you want to show as the share image. The module already uses Open Graph tags to try and "tell" FB what image to use, but FB will ignore it if it thinks it finds a better image.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
The page I am sharing is the single item list. So on a profile Youtube my item sharing is a single youtube video. So the only images on that page url are my artist profile and the youtube item itself.

The problem is that the Open Graph set up is grabbing images from my main menu on the website and using my latest news feeds from there to populate the images and text for the item sharing. Which isn't even related to the Youtube video.

Its also grabbing my latest news feeds from my main menu and filling in a description for my Youtube video from a news post which is also not related at all to this video.

I believe I need to insert an Open Graph Meta tag block of code on the item list page that has the right meta tags directing traffic here to my item.
So it dosen't pull from the entire site. I think technically each item or module that allows sharing should have an Open Graph meta tags set up in the item list to prevent this from happening.

The video now has 97 shares and every share is completely wrong. The only part that is right is the url to the video :(

updated by @developer-networks: 02/01/14 04:06:09PM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
The page I am sharing is the single item list. So on a profile Youtube my item sharing is a single youtube video. So the only images on that page url are my artist profile and the youtube item itself.

Yep - so you have 2 images, and FB is grabbing the profile image right? I've seen it do it before, and I'm not sure how to "force" FB to NOT use the profile image - sometimes it will grab the item image if the item image is higher res.

I will make some time Monday morning to dig into this deeper to see if there is something additional we can add into the OG tags to tell FB to NOT use the profile image.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
10,149 posts
And just a follow up - if you view source on the page, you'll see the module is already inserting all the open graph tags - since they go in the header section, you cannot have separate OG tags for different "sections" of your page.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
Quote: so you have 2 images, and FB is grabbing the profile image right?

The skin i am using is the maestro3 and it has the latest news built inside my menu

which also has images and content from my latest news.

I think my problem is comming from the my share this module is grabbing the content from my menu and using that. So theres 3 images to select for the share this 2 of which are not related to the item. Also when it posts. The item description is a latest news feed. Im almost certian its getting all this from the menu bar latest news on my website menu
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Yep it likely is - both ShareThis and FB try to make things "simple" by figuring out as much as they can from the page content - if you have stuff at the top of your page that is NOT related to the item, you might have issue.

This is why in our skins the ShareThis is only on the pages that are the detail page for a single item, so it gives it the best chance of getting things right.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
I was thinking the solution would be writing the og:meta tags and putting that on my item_list for the youtube module.

So when it pulls content for that item in the array it can feed the meta tag the content which fb will use to pull content from on the page the item is listed.

You can tell it to use the item_image, item_description ect and it dosent need to search the site for it.

This could also be implemented for the jrAudio module or anything sending item descriptions to FB as well.
updated by @developer-networks: 02/01/14 04:36:17PM
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
also i have a module on a different system which shares audio and uses meta tags and a part that might be of interest to you is to allow in the module configuration
-a site logo
- a site description
that will be used in the meta tag pulls
11 years ago
2,584 posts
Meta tags must be in the head of the document, you cannot put them in your item_list template.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
Thanks Steve. But whats wrong with doing something like this in the headers?

For example:
<meta property="og:image" content="{$jrShareThis_current_image_link}"/>

It would require the module saving the "current_image_link", "item_title" ect... when each item is shared (button pressed and before the share event fires) to {$jrShareThis_current_image_link} but facebook would see this in the header and pull the varible link to the current item being shared?

After the share is complete just revert the "current_image_link" and other files used in the meta data to the default like site logos and decription incase facebook needs to crawl the site for other like / sharing needs.

(maby a tools tab for this content?)

This would require some work on the modules but I think it might be a solid intricate part of functionality.

* Now that my video is at 250+ shares on facebook in just 2 days and non stop moving and I am eager for Monday in hope we can help develop a solution on this.

updated by @developer-networks: 02/02/14 08:37:57PM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
* Now that my video is at 250+ shares on facebook in just 2 days and non stop moving and I am eager for Monday in hope we can help develop a solution on this.

It sounds like things are working OK then? I mean if this was a big issue then I think no one would share it right?

I'll be looking into this today, and have an idea of how to make it better, but it's not going to be released today (or at least I don't think so).


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
10,149 posts
This didn't take me as long to get it working as I thought it would - I just pushed out a new version of the ShareThis module that added OG tags to every item detail page if ShareThis is enabled - this should get the item image and title if it is set properly on the item.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
Thank you! I wasn't feeling good today and have been down.

But in regards to "Seems like its working ok..." it was showing a different artist that didn't make the video and everyone knew it when they shared but shared anyway. Then they would inbox me

"why is it showing a different artist in share your video"? It was actually quite humiliating to get so many. I had to write the artist and apologize for my website doing this.

I'll update and check this out. I appreciate your help!

updated by @developer-networks: 02/04/14 02:44:39AM
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
I tried it out and for the audio player it works great. But the problem still exist for the ShareThis YouTube shares.

Ill send you a link to your email to see for yourself. The default photo is pulling the artist pictures from the my news feeds in my menus.

Also, The description is now fixed I noticed. Well done and Thank You.

updated by @developer-networks: 02/04/14 02:45:57AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
I tried it out and for the audio player it works great. But the problem still exist for the ShareThis YouTube shares.

There's nothing ShareThis can do here - there is no "YouTube" image - the only image on the page is your profile image, so that is what will be shared.

Hope this helps!

p.s. you should ditch the "disable right click on the page" script on your page.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 02/04/14 07:57:47AM
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
Ok thank you.

But the ShareThis dosent just grab my profile image which always ends up being 2nd on the list.

It also dosent use the default one for the YouTube video which ends up always being the 3rd choice in the share.

Its grabbing the images from my news feed which is in the site menu on that page and choosing that as the 1st image and making that the default image for the share.

Is there a way I can force it to automatically use the YouTube Image or the sharing profile image as default so I don't continue to have this problem? Thanks

updated by @developer-networks: 02/04/14 09:53:56AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Is there a way I can force it to automatically use the YouTube Image or the sharing profile image as default so I don't continue to have this problem? Thanks

This is what I am trying to explain - there is no youtube image on the page - only an embedded YouTube player (that is not an image).

The only other images on the page are your profile image and a comment image.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
When you click on share the youtube video from the page the third picture is a still shot of the youtube video. Where is this image fed from? It can be chosen on the list of 3 images you can select to share the video. The image is not posted on my site so it must be pulling it from youtube. How can I make those youtube images the default ones for my youtube shares?

* Also the images that are conflicting are pulling from my site menu. if you hover over the news menu tab you will see pictures the share this is grabbing and using as the default picture. Im trying to prevent from happening on my website. Thanks

updated by @developer-networks: 02/04/14 10:21:59AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
When you click on share the youtube video from the page the third picture is a still shot of the youtube video. Where is this image fed from? It can be chosen on the list of 3 images you can select to share the video. The image is not posted on my site so it must be pulling it from youtube. How can I make those youtube images the default ones for my youtube shares?

It must be pulling from YouTube - that's not something we have access to in the module.

* Also the images that are conflicting are pulling from my menu. if you hover over news you will see pictures the share this is using as the default picture which Im trying to prevent from happening on my website. Thanks

I understand - the problem here is that there is no YouTube image that is provided by Jamroom - only the embed. So if you view source on your page you will see the og: tags near the top, and the image one is empty. With that empty, it is going to be up to the ShareThis module to determine what image to show.

You would need to do something custom to figure out the YouTube image, as that is not something supported in our YouTube module at this time.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
Quote: You would need to do something custom to figure out the YouTube image, as that is not something supported in our YouTube module at this time.

Is there a way i can easily just set it to use my website logo as default for all youtube shares with your module?

Also anyone with images in their menus will have this problem as well, which is why I thought this might be of interest.
updated by @developer-networks: 02/04/14 10:33:34AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
You can modify the module/jrShareThis/templates/default_facebook_graph.tpl file and modify it to show a default image if none exist.

I'm looking into seeing if there is a way to get a YouTube image from the YouTube ID as well.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
I found this article showing its the same address the user put in for their url just add /1.jpg /2.jpg /3.jpg to the url if you use /0.jpg you get the full 480×360 thumbnail which would be a very cool feature of the share this module.
updated by @developer-networks: 02/04/14 10:46:34AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Yep - I just added support for that into version 1.0.4 and pushed it to the marketplace - update and let me know if that works for you.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
Thank you so much for your help and time! Im sure others will benifit from this alot!
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
Didnt quite work im going to look at your code and see if i can get it working.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
I see it working here:

i.e. for this page:
how to create a community website

The image is:

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
You got the video to show the youtubes in full size preview well.

Only thing i notice is the description is not related to the video.
updated by @developer-networks: 02/04/14 11:15:58AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
You got the video to show the youtubes in full size preview well.

But its still putting the news images from my menu as default. Its searching my page for images instead of using the default youtube ones first.

Also the description is not related to the video.

Then it is something out of our control on ShareThis/FB end.

if you want a description you'll need to add it - our YouTube module does not have a description field, so it is not present in the og tags.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
Ok thank you.

*** And you did well on the full size preview the 1st time I think my cache was slow to respond.

Thanks again
updated by @developer-networks: 02/04/14 11:23:30AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
No problem - thanks!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
