solved jrAudio_item_detail.tpl in Celebrity skin not working correctly

Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
7 years ago
824 posts
When the page is full screen it looks strange and loses the play button replaced by tiny dots and no way to start the track?
When the page is minimized the play button appears but does not work when pressed?
The only way i can seem to get the songs to play is in the list in the side panel for "you may also like" Or in the list tpl page it works also but only on the detail page has this issue?
minimized.PNG  •  888KB

fullscreen.PNG  •  1.2MB

updated by @zachary-moonshine: 07/31/18 07:22:13PM
7 years ago
917 posts
I'm gonna guess you have some kinda javaScript error.
1.jpg  •  160KB

Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
7 years ago
824 posts
I am going to clone a new copy of celebrity from the latest updates and see if that fixes it
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
7 years ago
824 posts
@nate i went in and cloned a new copy of the latest celebrity skin and one by one put in all the custom changes i made to the last clone and checked each time if any of the changes made an issue to the audio page but so far so good everything is working and updated. No idea what it was but its working now