profile custom feilds quota issues (opposite expected behavior)

7 years ago
3,304 posts
i have 2 feilds 1 is for how long have you been dreading the other what methods were used.
prior the display settings were everyne but logged out
i wanted logged out to see it as well i tried setting it to all including logged out, and nobody can see them
i tried selecting all options
nobody can see them now
no matter what options i select for display, the feilds won't display
they worked fine if logged in 2 days ago


head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 07/21/18 02:18:05PM
7 years ago
917 posts
Forms get cached. Make sure you're checking that box when you clear cache.
7 years ago
3,304 posts
hmm i wondered about tha thnx ill try
they simply wil no longer show up!
restarted litespeed, cleared redis cache
everything i could think of
private windows everything

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
3,304 posts
fwiw did just install beta core...maybe thats got a bug?

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
7,791 posts
could you take a screenshot of the Form Designer setup form for the fields please.
7 years ago
3,304 posts
form2.jpg  •  235KB

form1.jpg  •  256KB

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
7,791 posts
cant see all the info, but that looks like a USER form field not a profile form field.
7 years ago
3,304 posts
it is on the user form, but its called on the profile with the template which i can't seem to find now
besides profile-sidebar.tpl what other templates would it be in?
i believe i looked in all skin profile related templates i modified
but just now realized this no longer works as well (probably hasnt for awhile and hadnt noticed)
{if $profile_showplaylist == on}
{jrCore_list module="jrPlaylist" search1="_profile_id = `$_profile_id`" search2="playlist_featured = on" template="my_profile_playlist_embed.tpl" limit="1"}

this is the oddest thing.. cant find what i edited but i know it worked prior to changing the who can see it settings

this was 1 of the signup questions when you joined. it always showed on the profile
where shown in screenshot

note how in the sidebar, all the questions asked on user signup are showed there
except now 2
4 were required 2 only shown to admins (ok to feature)
the other 2 were there, then i changed the display permissions and now they dont show to anyone
prior to that all logged in users could see
now i have to enter their edit screen to see what they put
sidebar.jpg  •  192KB

questions.jpg  •  253KB

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
7,791 posts
The custom Form Designer fields have nothing to do with the output location. The Form Designer is for designing forms.

The template code will determine who sees what.

If you have made a new form field called user_birthday and set its DISPLAY GROUPS to "logged out users only" It will show for absolutely nobody. Because logged out users dont have access to forms.

So the settings in DISPLAY GROUPS only cover who sees what on forms.

If you want to change template stuff, try the {jrUser_is_logged_in()} function.
7 years ago
3,304 posts
thats what i thought!
why the heck are those things no longer showing where they were?
the above featured playlist too
that might not have been there awhile though.. not certain
but i am very certain the 2 profile questions vanished right after i changed those form permissions
that shuldnt affect it
but something did at the same time
what template should i be looking for

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 04/10/18 08:06:59AM
7 years ago
3,304 posts
wait think its in here
<div class="col3">

        <div class="block">
            <div class="profile_image {$profile_photo_radius}">
                {if jrProfile_is_profile_owner($_profile_id)}
                    {jrCore_module_url module="jrProfile" assign="purl"}
                    {jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="7" default="Change Image" assign="hover"}
                    <a href="{$_conf.jrCore_base_url}/{$purl}/settings/profile_id={$_profile_id}">{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrProfile" type="profile_image" item_id=$_profile_id size="xlarge" class="img_scale img_shadow" alt=$profile_name title=$hover width=false height=false}</a>
                    <div class="profile_hoverimage">
                        <span class="normal" style="font-weight:bold;color:#FFF;">{$hover}</span> {jrCore_item_update_button module="jrProfile" view="settings/profile_id=`$_profile_id`" profile_id=$_profile_id item_id=$_profile_id title="Update Profile"}
                    {jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrProfile" type="profile_image" item_id=$_profile_id size="xxlarge" class="img_scale img_shadow" alt=$profile_name width=false height=false}

        {if $_conf.sedreadsiteskin4_profile_location_box == 'on'}
        {if (isset($profile_location) && strlen($profile_location) > 0) || (isset($profile_country) && strlen($profile_country) > 0) || (isset($profile_zip) && strlen($profile_zip) > 0)}
        <div class="block">
            <h3>{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="17" default="Location"}:</h3>
            <div class="block_content mt10">
                <div style="padding-top:8px">
                    {jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="17" default="Location"}: {$profile_location}<br>
                    {jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="43" default="Zipcode"}: {$profile_zip}<br>
                    {jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="44" default="Country"}: {$profile_country}

        {if !jrCore_is_mobile_device() && isset($profile_influences) && strlen($profile_influences) > 0}
            <div class="block">
                <h3>{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="49" default="Influences"}</h3>
                <div class="block_content mt10">
                    <div style="padding-top:8px;">
                        <span class="highlight-txt bold">{$profile_influences}</span><br>

        {if jrUser_is_logged_in() && $_conf.sedreadsiteskin4_profile_questions == 'on'}
            {jrNingImport_signup_questions user_id=$_user_id assign="ning_questions"}
            {if isset($ning_questions)}
                <div class="block">
                    <div class="block_content mt10">

        {if !jrCore_is_mobile_device()}
        <div class="block">
            <div class="block_content mt10">
                <div style="padding-top:8px;min-height:48px;max-height:288px;overflow:auto;">
                    {jrUser_online_status profile_id=$_profile_id}

        {if !jrCore_is_mobile_device() && jrCore_module_is_active('jrFollower')}
        {jrCore_list module="jrFollower" search1="follow_profile_id = `$_profile_id`" search2="follow_active = 1" order_by="_created desc" limit="25" assign="followers"}
        {if strlen($followers) > 0}
        <div class="block">
            <h3>{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="9" default="Latest Followers"}:</h3>
            <div class="block_content mt10">
                    <div style="padding-top:8px">

        {if !jrCore_is_mobile_device()}
        {jrCore_list module="jrRating" profile_id=$_profile_id search1="rating_image_size > 0" order_by="_updated desc" limit="14" assign="rated"}
        {if strlen($rated) > 0}
        <div class="block">
            <h3>{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="10" default="Recently Rated"}:</h3>
            <div class="block_content mt10">
                    <div style="padding-top:8px">

        {if isset($_conf.sedreadsiteskin4_profile_stats) && $_conf.sedreadsiteskin4_profile_stats == 'on'}
        <div class="block">
            <h3>{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="39" default="stats"}</h3>
            <div class="block_content mt10">
                <div style="padding-top:8px">

                    {capture name="template" assign="stats_tpl"}
                        {foreach $_stats as $title => $_stat}
                        {jrCore_module_url module=$_stat.module assign="murl"}
                        <div class="stat_entry_box" onclick="jrCore_window_location('{$jamroom_url}/{$profile_url}/{$murl}');">
                            {$title}: {$_stat.count|default:0}
                    {jrProfile_stats profile_id=$_profile_id template=$stats_tpl}

                    <div class="clear"></div>

        {if isset($_conf.sedreadsiteskin4_profile_tag_cloud) && $_conf.sedreadsiteskin4_profile_tag_cloud == 'on'}
        {jrTags_cloud profile_id=$_profile_id height="350" assign="tag_cloud"}
        {if strlen($tag_cloud) > 0}

            <div class="block">
                <h3>{jrCore_lang module="jrTags" id="1" default="Profile Tag Cloud"}:</h3>
                <div class="block_content mt10">
                    <div style="padding-top:8px">
            <div class="clear"></div>

{if $profile_showplaylist == on}
{jrCore_list module="jrPlaylist" search1="_profile_id = `$_profile_id`" search2="playlist_featured = on" template="my_profile_playlist_embed.tpl" limit="1"}

i thought it was part of the ning signup questions but maybe not

but it should be there right?
i do see the playlist code but that dont work
was that code changed?
yes that should have just been part of the ning questions

i think it was the core beta update

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 04/10/18 08:28:16AM
7 years ago
7,791 posts
The only part of that code related to signup_questions is this bit:
        {if jrUser_is_logged_in() && $_conf.sedreadsiteskin4_profile_questions == 'on'}
            {jrNingImport_signup_questions user_id=$_user_id assign="ning_questions"}
            {if isset($ning_questions)}
                <div class="block">
                    <div class="block_content mt10">
7 years ago
3,304 posts
i know
but what i dont get is why some work the others dont now
is there a code to use to add those 2 specific questions in separtely?
and do you see any reason the playlist code no longer works?

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
3,304 posts
ill try it
{$user_signup_question_5} and {user_signup_question_5} don't work
from the above code from ning questions.. it should right?
it should be apart of ning questions i think, i swear it uses the same feild names and everything
all those other feilds are the same as the ning questions
maybe paul should take a look? wheres he been havent seen him lately

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 04/11/18 09:07:10AM
7 years ago
7,791 posts
Add a {debug} in after that block. look at the page, wait for the popup window to open then ctrl+f (find) and search for 'signup_question'

that will tell you the variable name and if there is anything set at all.

Obviously nothing will come back if the jrNingImport module is not installed and active, because the function belongs to that module.
7 years ago
3,304 posts
jrNingImport_signup_questions => "{"About Me":1,"aim messenger":2,"yahoo messenger":3,"msn messenger":4,"How lo..."

its truncated, but how lo.... would be question 5 how long have you been dreading

then theres this
user_signup_question_1 => ""
user_signup_question_10 => "on"
user_signup_question_11 => "on"
user_signup_question_14 => ""
user_signup_question_15 => ""
user_signup_question_16 => ""
user_signup_question_2 => ""
user_signup_question_3 => ""
user_signup_question_4 => ""
user_signup_question_5 => "27 years"
user_signup_question_6 => "all natural wash separate that's it"
user_signup_question_7 => ""
user_signup_question_8 => ""
user_signup_question_9 => ""

in ning import
'user_signup_question_1' => About Me
'user_signup_question_2' => aim messenger
'user_signup_question_3' => yahoo messenger
'user_signup_question_4' => msn messenger
'user_signup_question_5' => How long have you been dreading?
'user_signup_question_6' => Dreading methods, maintenance, and products used (if you currently have dreads)
'user_signup_question_7' => website
'user_signup_question_8' => twitter page
'user_signup_question_9' => facebook page
'user_signup_question_10' => Ok to feature profile?
'user_signup_question_11' => Ok to feature pictures, blogs, discussions?
'user_signup_question_12' => Are you here just to spam?
'user_signup_question_13' => Optional: Add me to category:
'user_signup_question_14' => Pinterest
'user_signup_question_15' => Google+
'user_signup_question_16' => LinkedIn page

you see..its there
and i do swear it changed when changing that form display option
dont know how

btw reverted back from the beta core to test, no diference (running beta again now)
damn confusing isnt it?

id like to know if that playlist code needs updating to but thats lower priority

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 04/12/18 12:25:26PM
7 years ago
3,304 posts
i would want
 {if jrUser_is_logged_in() && $_conf.sedreadsiteskin4_profile_questions == 'on'}
            {jrNingImport_signup_questions user_id=$_user_id assign="ning_questions"}
            {if isset($ning_questions)}
                <div class="block">
                    <div class="block_content mt10">
except if possible question 5 and 6 show logged in, or not

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
7,791 posts
Looks like you're going to need to copy the smarty function to get just what you need if you need to refine the results.

Docs: "Defining your own smarty function"
7 years ago
3,304 posts
hmmm ok thnx
why did they vanish while logged in?

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
7,791 posts
The wrapper function is
 {if jrUser_is_logged_in() && $_conf.sedreadsiteskin4_profile_questions == 'on'}
so that would limit it to show only to users who are logged in and have a config setting set to on.

Looking inside the smarty_function_jrNingImport_signup_questions() function it calls the 'signup_questions.tpl' template.

That looks like this:
{if isset($_items)}
    {foreach from=$_items item="item"}
        $  == 'visitor' ||
        ($ == 'user' && jrUser_is_logged_in()) ||
        ($ == 'power' && isset($_user.quota_jrUser_power_user) && $_user.quota_jrUser_power_user == 'on') ||
        ($ == 'admin' && jrUser_is_admin()) ||
        ($ == 'master' && jrUser_is_master()) ||
        (jrCore_checktype($, 'number_nz') && $ == $_user.profile_quota_id)
            <h4>{$item.label}:</h4> {$item.answer}<br>

There are a lot of IF's that need to be met in order for things to display.
7 years ago
3,304 posts
let me try removing the original if that checks online and skin
its sooo weird though that it was just those 2 that stopped displaying
those i changed the question in form display settings on

i know its unlikely but could there be a bug in there in ningimport maybe?
the behaviors just..odd

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
3,304 posts
Looks like you're going to need to copy the smarty function to get just what you need if you need to refine the results.

Docs: "Defining your own smarty function"

@michael ok, i was following that along, but then became totaly lost as to how it would be used as i think you intended it.
i created a module

but then im not sure where you grabbed that code block from
then .. well you were creating the smarty function to work within that module

oh wait, i need to create the smarty function within the profile sidebar template?

no in the ning signup questions?

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
7,791 posts
That code block is from the signup_questions.tpl template found at:

You can override it by copying it to your skin and calling it
/skins/YOUR SKIN/jrNingImport_signup_questions.tpl

Put a {debug} in there and see if the variables you want are available.
7 years ago
3,304 posts
ok that makes a lil more sense

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
3,304 posts
how do i then target those 2 specific questions since those 2 are the only ones not showing?
in the new template in skin id want the original code block
then added to that a smarty call to those 2 specific questions, outside of any nested ifs...right?

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
3,304 posts
removed this
        $  == 'visitor' ||
        ($ == 'user' && jrUser_is_logged_in()) ||
        ($ == 'power' && isset($_user.quota_jrUser_power_user) && $_user.quota_jrUser_power_user == 'on') ||
        ($ == 'admin' && jrUser_is_admin()) ||
        ($ == 'master' && jrUser_is_master()) ||
        (jrCore_checktype($, 'number_nz') && $ == $_user.profile_quota_id)
now i see the 2 missing questions when logged in
but i am betting the ones that only admins should see are now seen by all

item group == visitor || is logged in
wheres the item group set. this is whas wrong i think? if im following this logic right.
i believe, the questions and answers have to be added to a group, thats visible to .. visitors, online, or, admins

its that item group setting tht seems to have en lost somehow, and after changing the form settings, somehow they no longer are in the right group? maybe not in any group?

at least i see them now when logged in i was worried it might be a db indexing issue and those questions werent bein indexed corrctly (i just couldnt understand what else might cause it)

the ning importer hasnt been updated recently was it?

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
7 years ago
3,304 posts
i believe i have it debugged and figured out (wihout an ultimate solution)

for some reason if the form question display is set to anything but group normal users, it doesnt show

the i think was imported with the ning questions but, without any way to change it.

i'm fairly certain it might be a bug..
simply an omission of any way to change the

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 04/21/18 08:56:42AM
7 years ago
7,791 posts
how do i then target those 2 specific questions since those 2 are the only ones not showing?

Docs: "{debug}"

if you have a variable called $_ning_questions with array elements then to target one you use its name like this:
take a screenshot of the debug panel in that area so i can see what it looks like.
7 years ago
3,304 posts
ok that makes sense

now just need some trickery to have them not show up when included in the if user logged in, but instead just show up logged in or not. now that its working again i'll have to override it so it doesn;t show with the normal questions, but instead under them logged in or not

busy getting the gliders ready to fly today though

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
