solved Invalid Location (/product/categories)

7 years ago
230 posts
Hi - Day before yesterday my product/categories page worked fine. Not today and I have tried on various browsers. Works on one and not on 2 others (loged-in or not) (message ' invalid location redirect token received - please try again ' + the fact that the number of categories don't show (see jpg) Any ideas? (BTW I did nothing in Admin to cause this) Thank You.
Fatsa-Products.jpg  •  47KB

updated by @annush: 06/23/18 08:39:18PM
7 years ago
2,800 posts
Try reloading the module.

ACP > Core > Marketplace > Tools > Reload Modules Or Skins

Then run the Integrity Check tool and reset your cache.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
230 posts
Did all the above. Doesn't work on Chrome/Firefox or a browser called SeaMonkey although it did before. I see the product list on a browser called Torch but still no number of items. I'm also having to 'update' the category field every time I create a product. It doesn't bring it up on the 1st time save. Got to do it twice. On the Music Items it shows 7 on one of the profile but when you click on it to go see the items there are none - in reality though there is 1 music item. Very mysterious indeed.
updated by @annush: 03/23/18 05:34:36AM
7 years ago
2,800 posts
I just tested this on my test site and I'm not seeing an issue.

Can you send us your admin login so we can check it out?



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
230 posts
Thanks for trying. I'll continue to see if I have the problem on another computer - but still when you go to the Link the number of items are not shown
Where can the number of items and number of Audio files can be configured?
7 years ago
2,800 posts
Try recreating the items and see if the item number starts working.

It may have been due to the issue you were having before.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
230 posts
It doesn't seem so and I've downloaded another 2 browsers to test. With Admin going to the users who have Products they connect. The user/profile itself does not. Could you please try it out without using the Admin. I'll send you the User/Password that has the problem (they all do but I'll send you one of them) and the Admin incase you need to get in somewhere. The Item quantities (categories) do not show and they never had. Thank You.
Fatsa-Products.jpg  •  47KB

7 years ago
230 posts
I did 2 small video clips to demonstrate. By Admin & By User. Thanks.
zip  •  3.8MB

updated by @annush: 03/24/18 09:00:56AM
7 years ago
230 posts
Thank You - it works @Brian Now I can move on.
