solved A site selling stuff to non-members?

7 years ago
3,603 posts
Is it possible to use Jamroom in building a simple online 'store' site to sell physical items (such as tote bags for example)... using the Paypal module and Paypal for orders, with a shopping cart... but have it set so that people do NOT need to 'join' the site as members in order simply place an order via the Paypal button and their shopping cart ?
-- Non-members browsing to the site from Google and being able to buy things using Paypal... without having to 'join' or create an account on your site.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 06/17/18 08:09:32PM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Not as such, and it is normal (in my experience) to join a site when buying something from it, the idea being that its easier for when they are a 'returning customer'.
If you really want to just sell items to non-members, it may be easier just to add the PayPal 'Buy It Now' script to the product item templates.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
3,603 posts
If you really want to just sell items to non-members, it may be easier just to add the PayPal 'Buy It Now' script to the product item templates.

Paul, I sell t-shirts on the side and have very few (almost never) repeat customers. People just want to quickly click a button to buy a shirt as a gift at Christmas or a birthday, and be done with it, no 'joining' anything in order to access and buy a shirt. So yes i really do want to sell to non-members- I'm not interested in having 'members' for this kind of site.

I have a static 20-year-old html website that is woefully outdated...not even mobile friendly nor paypal-enabled. I need to make a new site to sell the tshirts and was hoping I could use Jamroom and my JR server extra space I already have. I was hoping to build a quick very simple store site to sell shirts using my existing Paypal account without requiring 'membership'. I'd have to have a shopping cart of some sort because some folks buy several shirts in diff styles, colors, and sizes, in one order.
I'm thinking the paypal 'buy it now' script does not include or enable a shopping cart? Maybe I'm wrong about that, never seen a cart used on 'buy it now' items online.
On my other JR site, I do have simple Paypal 'donation' button scripts and those work fine and folks can use them without being a member I assume (because the site is public)... but they are not a shopping cart either.

Coming from my old ning/socialnetwork background, I don't have any experience in JR's other skins, though I 'think' you have one geared towards merchandise/store type sites? But maybe that's for selling audio and wouldn't be what I'd need.

I could possibly pay for help in setting this little simple store site up if it wasn't too costly. Once it was up and running in a basic functional way, I probably know enough about Jamroom to customize and maintain it. I'd be creating a new domain for it and leaving the old domain's index page in place to redirect to the new one.

Maybe using the JR platform is just not the way to go for this project at all... I'm not sure. Here's my current outdated shirt site: ...yikes, it's so old you have to send a check in the mail to buy something! LOL !

Do you have any more suggestions or thoughts on this for me?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
10,149 posts
You're best bet is to find a 3rd party script that can do this for you, or just use a "buy now" PayPal button. Jamroom requires an account for several reasons, and there are no plans to change that.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
3,603 posts
Brian, thanks!
By 'a 3rd party script'... do you mean like a separate hosted Wix site or something? Can you give an example so I understand more what that means?
And by "just use a Buy Now paypal button"... do you mean I should use it on a site that's NOT a Jamroom site?
(I can't just add the PP buttons to my html current shirt site because it's not mobile friendly and I have to address that as well)
Thanks... sorry to take up your time with these questions.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
10,149 posts
Brian, thanks!
By 'a 3rd party script'... do you mean like a separate hosted Wix site or something? Can you give an example so I understand more what that means?

Sure - Wix or any of the other 100's of hosted cart systems. Just google "sell stuff online" and I'm sure you'll see hundreds of options. I can't recommend one since I don't use any.

And by "just use a Buy Now paypal button"... do you mean I should use it on a site that's NOT a Jamroom site?

You can use PayPal buttons anywhere - there's no requirement they are on a JR site.

(I can't just add the PP buttons to my html current shirt site because it's not mobile friendly and I have to address that as well)
Thanks... sorry to take up your time with these questions.

Not being mobile friendly would be something you'd want to check with PayPal about.

To be 100% honest, creating an account to buy something is pretty much the standard now. Check out - you can't just buy something from them without having an account. Have your users told you that creating an account is a hassle or do you just feel that would be the case? Jamroom's cart makes it pretty easy as it is integrated into the checkout flow.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
3,603 posts
To be 100% honest, creating an account to buy something is pretty much the standard now. Check out - you can't just buy something from them without having an account. Have your users told you that creating an account is a hassle or do you just feel that would be the case? Jamroom's cart makes it pretty easy as it is integrated into the checkout flow.

Maybe you are's something that i just felt would be the case. I realized after you said this, that when I buy things from various vendors on amazon (without my having to 'join' any of those vendors' sites)... that in reality I already HAVE joined... joined Amazon itself. lol Same true for Etsy, Ebay...

So... a jamroom site for this would need to allow members to join quickly as PART OF the ordering process...not a cumbersome two-step process of first creating an account, and then having to separately return to the site to choose items and place an order.

You are saying the JR cart integrates JOINING with ORDERING in a smooth hassle free flow, using Paypal checkout on jamroom? (if I choose and set up my existing PP seller's account in the Jamroom merchandising modules). ?

What JR skin would be appropriate for this kind of simple tshirt selling, using the JR cart and Paypal?
Do you think this would be a relatively simple JR site to set up?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
10,149 posts
When the user clicks "checkout" if they are not logged in then they are prompted to log in - if they don't have an account they can create one.

Any skin should work - just use the Products module.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: You are saying the JR cart integrates JOINING with ORDERING in a smooth hassle free flow, using Paypal checkout on jamroom? (if I choose and set up my existing PP seller's account in the Jamroom merchandising modules). ?

Well, non logged in users can add stuff to their cart and when they then goto Checkout they redirected to the login page, which has a create new account option, so its 'smoothish'. Maybe a custom notice on that page would help further.

Quote: What JR skin would be appropriate for this kind of simple tshirt selling, using the JR cart and Paypal?

We have the eCommerce skin but at the moment that is geared towards using the old Store module. It needs to be updated to use the new Products module instead. I'll ask Nate if this can be done.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Sorry, the ESkin, not the eCommerce skin!!!
Nate is going to take a look at it.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
3,603 posts
Gentlemen, this sounds promising.
Sometime over the next 6 months I was hoping to create a new simple mobile responsive site to sell my tshirts, retail, using my Paypal account. I'm sitting on a lot of shirt inventory that has stopped moving because of my current antiquated site.

The thing is, I could pay monthly or per purchase fees to Etsy or Wix or Ebay...PLUS the per-purchase Paypal fees... but I have 1/2 of my current Jamroom hosted server sitting empty and available for me...and it wouldn't cost me anything additional per month once a JR site was set up there.... would only cost me the paypal per-purchase fees.

Yeah Paul, a custom message on that page could do wonders to keep people from clicking away in disgust when suddenly confronted with those deadly words "create account" ...LoL sad but true.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 03/19/18 01:57:30PM
7 years ago
10,149 posts
Note that you can add a custom login/signup message in the User module Global Config.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
3,603 posts
Oh right. Of course!

Thanks for getting Nate to look at zapping the Eskin.
Sounds like some possibilities here. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 03/19/18 03:13:25PM