investigating Find new music Search module

7 years ago
230 posts
Hi - Is the Find New Music Limited to how many Artists a User can add? It seems to go to 50. Thanks.
updated by @annush: 06/19/18 03:10:59PM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Not too sure what you are asking. Can you give more detail?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
It's where the Users List the Artists that influence them. I have added more than 50 names. Is there a max limit? Because after say 51st it does not find the Artist in the search. In other words can we make the search to go beyond 50? Can it be done in the code? Thanks.
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Thanks - understood now.
There isn't a limit on the number of influenced a profile can add, as such, but adding 50 'influences' to a text field is a lot so am wondering if the entire string made it un-truncated to the database. Check the profile_item_key table for that profile. Look at the 'profile_influences' value to see if the string you entered is all there.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
Sorry can't find the profile_item_key table for the profile. I checked the profile_influences value and it's all there. I can understand that 90% of users would not exceed the 50 Artist influence mark, but then again for myself/Admin and a few labels that I'll have on board, they will be way past 50. Usually we see a '0' for any amount or if we specify a number we replace the zero. Where would you think that info would be?
7 years ago
4,335 posts
I see that its your profile 'boptunez' that has all these influences. Where on the site are you doing the 'Find New Music' search?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
865 posts
I could be wrong but I swear someone else raised this not that long ago, and if memory serves it was declared there was a limit imposed on this.
7 years ago
230 posts
Top of the page center - on all the pages hopefully. Thanks
Find New Music.jpg
Find New Music.jpg  •  13KB

7 years ago
230 posts
Thanks @garymoncrieff for noticing. It's not a life/death situation because in reality most users will name 20 influential Artists and times that by 100 (various other users) it can be a nice amount. But for Labels - Managers - Publishers - Promotors that deal with an enormous amount of variety, they ought not be limited really, within reason.
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Thanks - Found it.
I think the problem is that when datastore key values exceed 512 characters, Jamroom splits the value over multiple database table rows, and in this case, only the first row is actually being searched.
Checking this out further. Will let you know.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
