solved Unable to go to next page

7 years ago
558 posts
I'm seeing a server error each time I attempt to go to a "next page" on our site.
This only occurred since last core and module updates.
I've done the usual resets, but to no avail. This occurs on every "next page" on the site.
Any help would be appreciated.

updated by @isleander: 06/18/18 10:26:34AM
7 years ago
2,804 posts

The reason is because the next page button is not getting the correct URL, it is missing the france/ part of the URL..

The next page button URL:

Should be:

Check your data/config/config.php file and make sure the

$_conf['jrCore_base_url'] =

has the correct URL.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
558 posts

The reason is because the next page button is not getting the correct URL, it is missing the france/ part of the URL..

The next page button URL:

Should be:

Check your data/config/config.php file and make sure the

$_conf['jrCore_base_url'] =

has the correct URL.

Hope this helps!

Thank you Douglas. Yes, I see this now. I'll look into this. Thanks again.
7 years ago
558 posts

I have accessed the file "data/config/config.php", which has the following info.

$_conf['jrCore_db_host'] = 'localhost';
$_conf['jrCore_db_port'] = '3306';
$_conf['jrCore_db_name'] = 'cl39-france';
$_conf['jrCore_db_user'] = 'cl39-france';
$_conf['jrCore_db_pass'] = '[my password]';
$_conf['jrCore_base_url'] = '';

I am assuming this is correct, but not sure where to go form here.
updated by @isleander: 03/17/18 09:37:49AM
7 years ago
7,793 posts
After updating that, run the integrity check. Then reset the caches.

Your config.php looks correct.
7 years ago
7,793 posts
Can I have your sites admin login details. Send to support at jamroom dot net.

I think the problem may be with the list_pager.tpl file.

It has links like this:
 <a href="{$info.page_base_url}/p={$info.prev_page}">
I think that perhaps should be:
 <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$info.page_base_url}/p={$info.prev_page}">

It would not show up on a site using just the domain name, but you have your site in a sub-directory ('/france') so I think this is the cause of the issue.
7 years ago
558 posts
Thank you Michael,
I'll send the info.
7 years ago
558 posts
I’m not sure if it is possible to move the site to because the MySQL server for my Jamroom site is linked to the sub-directory
updated by @isleander: 03/18/18 07:58:20AM
7 years ago
558 posts
Can I have your sites admin login details. Send to support at jamroom dot net.

I think the problem may be with the list_pager.tpl file.

It has links like this:
 <a href="{$info.page_base_url}/p={$info.prev_page}">
I think that perhaps should be:
 <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$info.page_base_url}/p={$info.prev_page}">

It would not show up on a site using just the domain name, but you have your site in a sub-directory ('/france') so I think this is the cause of the issue.

This is what I am seeing (image), but not sure if it is incorrect.
7 years ago
7,793 posts
I’m not sure if it is possible to move the site to because the MySQL server for my Jamroom site is linked to the sub-directory
Yes this is possible and would probably fix your issue. Do you want to update where your currently at or move to a new domain?
7 years ago
558 posts
I've always been a little reluctant to move it in case I should mess the site up entirely.
I have domain hosting where I can have three domains. What concerns me, however, is that if I should designate as one of them I may not be able to point the MySQL Server (where Jamroom is installed) to that domain because it currently uses "".
Further, if I designated for my Jamroom site, it would be hosted as "/home/sites/" (please see attached image).
I'm wondering if it would be better to designated "" as my main hosting domain instead of "" (which I currently have), or buy fresh hosting and redirect "" to the new host domain, providing my Jamroom site can be moved to the new domain host successfully
I trust that makes sense. What would you advise?
updated by @isleander: 03/18/18 06:25:33PM
7 years ago
7,793 posts
If the main goal is to just get the pagers working I wouldn't change domains.
7 years ago
558 posts
OK. But if the current problem cannot be fixed, that may be the only alternative.
Is it possible to fix?
Thank you.
7 years ago
7,793 posts
Its being looked into.
7 years ago
558 posts
OK that's great. Thank you.
7 years ago
7,793 posts
I've setup a system similar to yours where the jamroom install is in a sub directory: jamroom install)

But for me the issue does not occur. The pager on the groups page on the ninja skin does work.

If it didn't work I could fix it, but it does so im not sure why its not working for your site.

It could be that its been fixed in a the latest version of core which hasn't been released yet. But it could also be something related to your server. Not sure.

The options become:
1.) I keep looking for why its not working on your server but is on mine. OR
2.) I help you move the site over to the other domain name.

Which would you prefer?
7 years ago
10,149 posts
This is already fixed in 6.1.7b1:

Bug Fix: Pager URLs when Jamroom is installed in a sub directory may not be created correctly

Update and you should be good.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
558 posts
I only have Core v. 6.1.6. How can I update to v. 6.1.7b1, as I’m not seeing this update on our Market Place?
Thank you.
7 years ago
7,793 posts
b1 indicates the module is a BETA module. Unless you need this urgently I would suggest waiting until it lands in the STABLE branch.

As a work-around until that is released I've changed the groups index.tpl page here:

so that now it shows 20 items per page instead of ten. That should last you until the next core version comes out of beta and into stable.

Its not recommended to run the beta versions on a live site.

Is that an acceptable solution to you?

You can see all the groups on the same page now here:
7 years ago
558 posts
...It could be that its been fixed in a the latest version of core which hasn't been released yet. But it could also be something related to your server. Not sure.

The options become:
1.) I keep looking for why its not working on your server but is on mine. OR
2.) I help you move the site over to the other domain name.

Which would you prefer?

If the latest version can fix it, all well and good; otherwise we’ll move the site.
7 years ago
558 posts
b1 indicates the module is a BETA module. Unless you need this urgently I would suggest waiting until it lands in the STABLE branch.

As a work-around until that is released I've changed the groups index.tpl page here:

so that now it shows 20 items per page instead of ten. That should last you until the next core version comes out of beta and into stable.

Its not recommended to run the beta versions on a live site.

Is that an acceptable solution to you?

You can see all the groups on the same page now here:

Great, I’ll wait for the Core update, and see if it fixes the problem.
Thank you for your help!
7 years ago
10,149 posts
Just to add the 6.1.7b1 beta is working well - while we don't recommend running beta's on live sites, I think you could update to 6.1.7b1 and it would work great :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
558 posts
Just to add the 6.1.7b1 beta is working well - while we don't recommend running beta's on live sites, I think you could update to 6.1.7b1 and it would work great :)
How do I update to 6.1.7b1 prior to it’s release?
7 years ago
10,149 posts
Enable the Beta Channel in ACP -> Marketplace -> Tools -> Marketplace Channels.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
558 posts
Enable the Beta Channel in ACP -> Marketplace -> Tools -> Marketplace Channels.

I have now installed the beta 6.1.7b1
Thank you. That fixed it.