solved ninja Skin background

7 years ago
56 posts
Yes me again….

I having little problem how do i change the site back ground colour I think its the c7c7c7 i want to change don’t think it an image i have looked and looked i can’t find it

Maybe i very tried lol

Can someone point me to where it is please in style please

Thank you Franko

ps see image
Unknown.png  •  115KB

updated by @franko: 06/20/18 03:44:56PM
7 years ago
3,603 posts
In your skin's Style area, in the 'style section' dropdown menu select: html.css. From there, click on the subtabs to check for entries for "page background".

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
3,603 posts
P.S. sometimes.... IF you still wind up with a little top square area on each side bar that stubbornly won't change even though the rest of the page looks good with your new color, you have to do this:
Go into your server via FTP and into your active skin folder. Look in there and go into your IMG folder and pull out a copy of the wrapper_bckgrnd.png file. In some photoshop type program, change the tall rectangle to the color you want to match the rest of the page background, and save a copy of it with the same file name. Put the new one into your skin's IMG folder, replacing the old file.
Then clear cache on your site and you should see that area now be the color you wanted. Maybe there's a more elegant way to do this, but that's the crude way I figured out how to fix the little wrapper area in the page background on my own sites.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
7,790 posts
change the color on #wrapper to change those bits.
wrapper.jpg  •  196KB

7 years ago
3,603 posts
D'oh! I knew there was probably an easier way! lol :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
7,790 posts
Im just lazy. Thanks for helping out in the forums, really appreciated :)
7 years ago
56 posts
Yes i have found where to do it i was there before lol…But it wont change the colour on the background only the footer and header so it made me think i was at wrong place… I will do all the above tomorrow and see if it works

Thanks for all your help Strumelia and Michael
updated by @franko: 03/05/18 04:56:34PM
