I notice in a thread elsewhere ( https://www.jamroom.net/the-jamroom-network/forum/new_posts/57036/how-do-i-get-activity-text-box-on-homepage-on-ninja-skin) the following response to a question regarding the possibility of a text box on the front page:-
"Each of the members profile will have a place to post timeline activity on their profile timeline page, but there is no profile timeline posting box on the main site page because that is not a profile. If you're looking for a single timeline page for everyone, check out the Follow Me skin, it has a single timeline for everyone. "
If it can be provided for the FollowMe skin why can it not be provided for other skins?????
I have been waiting for nearly two years for this feature and I really dont think that the Jamroom team appreciates how vital this is. The FollowMe skin simply does not work for me. The reasons are as follows:-
1. If I adopt the FollowMe skin for the home page and add 'Timeline' in a tab it creates ugly white space between the left and right columns . Also comment links do not work. Maybe I have to use the skin globally and abandon my custom layout on the front page to make it function properly?
2. Using it on profiles would break too much custom work by myself and members who have spent a while getting things the way they want them. Also tabs on the home page are too useful to be casually set aside.
3. As I understand it the front page content is no longer visible SO the new text box on the home page timeline tab (which is what I need) wouldn't be visible to non members. A closed group is absolutely the last thing on earth that I want SO increasing social features whilst blocking the home page from casual visitors (and presumably search engines) is a non-starter.
The features that I need were under development a while ago. BUT there has been no mention of the much anticipated WALL feature for nearly a year (or longer)
What I desperately need is this:-
1. A Wall feature complete with text box, on the front page that displays ALL activity on the site (groups etc). The FollowMe feature set (provided comments worked properly) would go a long way towards this.
2. The ability for myself (and other admins) to select features to appear in the global timeline feed.
3. The home page MUST be visible to casual visitors and search engines and the text box too, so as to entice people to join up and fire off a quick comment on something they've seen on the front page. It will ONLY be clear to people that they can do that if there is a comment box for new comments AND a comment icon under existing posts on the page.
My question is......is this ever going to happen?
Here is the thread on the Wall feature:- https://www.jamroom.net/the-jamroom-network/forum/using-jamroom/37103/testing-the-wall-widget
Did this get postponed or was it just dropped?
Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru
updated by @adolygwr: 06/05/18 03:19:32PM