solved css file for feedback or follower count in followme skin

7 years ago
346 posts
HI guys,

where do I find the css file for the following below which is part of the feedback and followers function on the header.tpl file if the followme skin:
-span class- count feedback_count 0 - span-
- span class- count followers_count 0 -span-

I checked in the skin / css filesof the FollowMeskin, but no luck finding it..I even check a few css folders in the modules and no luck.

Any idea.

updated by @boplive: 06/04/18 02:18:57PM
7 years ago
917 posts
#menu .right .count
It's in the menu CSS.

You should be able to right click any element and choose "inspect element" to see its HTML and CSS. From there use Control F to find it.. That's what I just did.
7 years ago
346 posts
thanks Nate for pointing me in the right direction...i found it,,,just need to make my tweaks here and there ..i should be good to go!...:)
