solved Profile Domain Not mapping - Forwarding to

7 years ago
223 posts
Hello JR

I have had two domains added into my system. before and both were working correctly. I deleted one. and am adding a new domain to one of my new profiles. I did the whole process adding the ip of my jamroom website. my jamroom have a dedicated ip so i follow to add that ip to my new profile

This is the problem I am getting.

New profile points to my (IP)
my main website is showing this is good because the ip is set correctly.

I check and double check in
everything is green

I when an added the domain into the module and click active domain. with www=off ssl=off
it detects the

but instead of mapping it forward the to

deleted the account multiple times. deleted cache. integrity check.

double check
everything seen ok.

I also manually added the alias into the path bellow not luck.

now my only option my good friend at :-)

PS: Cpanel setup.

thank you.
updated by @serveion: 06/01/18 06:39:47AM
7 years ago
223 posts
Hello JR

don't ask me what happen but it working :-)
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Maybe the dns changes just needed to propagate?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
223 posts
I think so. I did check dns propagation around the world it was working.

Honestly I have no idea maybe cache on my server idk. But it's working :-)
7 years ago
10,149 posts
I think so. I did check dns propagation around the world it was working.

Honestly I have no idea maybe cache on my server idk. But it's working :-)

Glad it is working - and just a note that it's pretty normal for DNS to "bounce" a bit as it is propagating - we see that here on our hosting as well - it will show active in DNS one minute, and then inactive the next. Takes about an hour I would say (at least for our DNS) before it is all stable.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
