In the User Account setup form, there are two password fields:
user_passwd1 (label = password)
user_passwd2 (label = repeat new password)
When logged in as Admin., we are instructed by alerts that various attributes of these fields should not be changed, and I have been elsewhere informed that both should be left as "required".
I am confused.
At signup we (as ordinary users) create a password that can sensibly be called "existing password" of "old password" after it exists. But when users attempt to change something in their account, e.g. change the profile photo, they are expected to fill out the password. In fact what happens they are asked to create a new password. And further, when trying to create the new password, a field pops up demanding to see the old password. And then finally they can have their new photo accepted.
There does not seem any clear separation of login requirements for an existing password, and password entry requirements for creating a new password.
Perhaps this tangle explains why so few members are active on my site.
Persumably the system is understandable for owners and users at other sites, so most likely I have my form fields set up strangely. But do other site owners have issues with setting up the password fields in a way that is understandable and convenient for ordinary users?
I have not found any part of documentation that clearly lays out all the options and requirements for setting up password fields in the forms for user/signup and user/account (i.e. the account creating and updating form fields).
Shouldn't there be a clear separation of password fields for:
(1) using the initial password established at signup, and
(2) confirming (re-entering) the initial password when it is used, and
(3) changing the password after login with the old password, and
(4) confirming (re-entering) the new password that will replace the old password?
I don't understand why the user (at my site at least) is being led through steps (3) and (4) when merely wanting to edit account details.
Is this a general problem, or specific to my site and the way I have it set up?
PJ Matthews, Kyoto
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updated by @researchcooperative: 05/19/18 04:40:38PM