solved Updating Interdependent Modules

7 years ago
184 posts
I have three modules (let's call them A, B and C) that need be updated together since they are interdependent. That is, the changes in A are required by C and changes in C are required by B, etc.

Question is this: Can I enqueue these three modules and then do a Marketplace UPDATE ALL ITEMS without going into maintenance mode? In other words, will UPDATE ALL ITEMS pause user activity during the update of all three?

Trying to avoid going into maintenance mode for such as brief update. Plus this is good long-term info to have.


updated by @tig: 04/24/18 10:22:48AM
7 years ago
10,149 posts
There is no "pausing" during an update. Jamroom marketplace updates are "atomic" - that is the new version of the module or skin is fully loaded on the site and validated. Once the marketplace tests it and it is "ready to go" then it swings the existing symbolic link to point to the new directory - there is zero downtime or "in between" time.

They are updated in the order they are listed if you do an "update all". In your case you would want to manually update each module so any dependencies are in place before they are needed (i.e. update A first, then C, then B).

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
184 posts

Okay. That means I need to go into maintenance mode. This is a three way dependency so there is no way to order the modules linearly.

Thanks for the quick answer to my question!

