solved How to resize jrEmbed videos?

7 years ago
1,353 posts
A question concerning embedding videos using Site Builder
I can upload a video fine- but when I put it in a 3/6/3 layout it runs over into the last 3 column/
to embed the video i am using
[jrEmbed module="jrVideo" id="76"]
I would like the default apsect ratio to be 420x236
Sorry ive not had to work in jamroom much in sometime...everythings been working good and no need to develop much in some time...
I know I once knew the answer to this..
Anyway the default is fine EXCEPT lets say i write a news article- then upload a video so that i can embed it in the news article...
Then I use some custom code to automatically display the complete news article on my home page...only my home page is 3/6/3 and the embedded video is breaking the home page layout...
so actually on the main article page its fine or at least acceptable...but it needs to be resized when displayed on the HOME page in the 6 col
I think to make it auto resize for the home page would be difficult- but if the default video was 420 px wide I could live with that as it should not break my layout-anyone on a desktop could always view in FULL SCREEN
Hope I wrote that in an understandable way
updated by @derrickhand300: 04/09/18 05:48:21PM
7 years ago
7,784 posts
The video should resize to fit the containing div.

Where is it not doing that?
7 years ago
1,353 posts
Its not doing it on my HOME page
Im sure its a custom code is how it works,,,
I create a news page-then when a video is available I embed it at the bottom of the news article...
Then on my HOME page I have the following code in a 6 col in the center
<p><img src="" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" display:="" block="" alt="Oilfield News" width="460" height="95"></p>
{jrFeed_list name="Oilfield News" template="rss_featured_oilfield_news.tpl" limit="5"}
The first part of the code is an image over the column
The second part takes a truncated version of the article and places it on the home page- displaying the last 5 articles ( and a SEE MORE link which goes to the full article)
The issue i am having is IF the article is short the truncated settings also allow the video to come over to the home page in the 6 col layout
The issue is when the video comes over to the home page it breaks the entire home page layout . 3/6/3 ends up putting the last col 3 BELOW all the other content and jumbles everything on the page...
What im after is for the video aspect ration to be less- so that it fits in the 6 col without breaking the layout- even on the original page where the news is created i dont need a huge version of the video player- I would like it scaled down
Hope that helps
updated by @derrickhand300: 01/05/18 08:28:42AM
7 years ago
1,353 posts
Here i have added a video using jrEmbed to a news article- notice how big the video player is? (see screenshot Michael 1)
Here is a screenshot BEFORE adding the video to the news article - notice all 3 col are correct
and finally notice the screenshot AFTER adding the video- The third col has been moved below all content and some content is even missing
I am adding the video to the news articles using
[jrEmbed module="jrVideo" id="76"]
To me the easiest fix is to reduce the default aspect ration of videos on the site- your thoughts?
Thanks again Michael

Also please notice in screenshot "Michael 1" that the video in the news article page is running over into third column
updated by @derrickhand300: 01/05/18 08:40:52AM
7 years ago
1,353 posts
Sorry for so much info...but here is another screenshot of a precious news article that has embedded video-same issue
A different page.JPG.jpg

7 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Michael- you fixed it :)
