solved Foxycart Issue (Pages not responsive)

11 years ago
200 posts
So far everything is good on my website but I need major help. How do I make the popup page that people order from and the next page where they put their information responsive ? Is there a way to do this through Jamroom and Foxycart? Any help would be great thanks.
updated by @kayskeem: 02/26/14 01:46:52PM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
These pages are actually rendered from Foxycart - not Jamroom. You can customize your Foxycart templates from within the Foxycart control panel - I believe they have some tutorials up in there as well.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
200 posts
Yup you guys are good thanks I got it !
