The network I work with has many different groups located in different quotas and profiles within those quotas. These are mostly non-signup quotas. A very small number of groups have also been created by users with accounts and profiles in a sign-up quota.
In my network, one quota may have very few profiles, and very few groups within those profiles. Another quota may have many profiles, and large numbers of groups within each profile. My network has both kinds of quota.
Currently, the "off the shelf" jr search system provides a single global search field that looks at an index for all groups, regardless of quota or profile or signup configuration.
The following comments are divided into two sections, A & B....
A. Global search fields at different levels.
For some purposes, it may be useful to have a search field that is displayed when someone is looking for groups within a particular profile, or within a particular quota.
For my network, it would be useful, I think, if users could search at all three levels:
(i) Across all groups in all quotas and profiles -- sign up and not signup (as currently provided),
(ii) Across all groups within a particular quota.
(iii) Across all groups within a particular profile.
(iv) Across all groups in any combination of quotas and profiles.
I suppose (ii - iv) can be hand-crafted for a single jr site, but would such options be useful for many jr sites, not just mine?
B. Other search or browsing styles.
Having options for a 'global' search field, at any level (i-iv above) would be useful, but so might be other search or browsing styles.... alphabetical listing, newest, and most recent.
I have had these other search styles set up for the searching of profiles within my signup quota, and wonder if they can be:
(i) set up for the searching of groups, and
(ii) made standard, as 'off the shelf' options for configuration in the jr system used by everyone?
All thoughts on these matters are welcome. Thanks.
PJ Matthews, Kyoto
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updated by @researchcooperative: 02/03/18 06:59:50PM