Possibility of Sending private note as well as email to product owner after checkout button is clicked bypassing the payment gateway

8 years ago
7 posts
Currently on my website I want to avoid taking payment for users via payment gateways but I want a situation where if the checkout button is clicked a private note and email is sent to product owner about the order that's all and product owner can contact the buyer via provided email to proceed with the orders. And all other funtionality remain same but payment gateway is bypassed. Currently cracking the jamroom payment n product module codes to figure out how to achieve this, in case anyone has implement same I will appreciate if you can share, jamroom experts can also advice if this is possible or which area of the code I should look at to achieve this.
updated by @imade: 01/18/18 03:30:50PM
8 years ago
4,335 posts
The Payment module supports 'plugins'. Currently there are plugins for FoxyCart, PayPal and Stripe. Its concievable for you to develop a plugin to do what you want here, or we could look into it for you as a sponsored project.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
7 posts
@Paul ok i got it, basically, you mean its preferably this concept comes in as plugin option? i will check the viability of doing this if we need your help i will let you know, do you have any price list with your rate?
8 years ago
4,335 posts
@Paul ok i got it, basically, you mean its preferably this concept comes in as plugin option? i will check the viability of doing this if we need your help i will let you know, do you have any price list with your rate?

The way our Jamroom projects work is we charge an hourly rate of $75 for projects that are up to 16 hours in length - beyond that and we charge a project price.
I haven't investigated this project in detail, so don't hold me to anything, but I guess that this would take us no more than 6 hours to complete, possibly less.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
