possible profile domains bug?

8 years ago
3,304 posts
this doesn';t make sense to me
when posting my site on fb or when running site speed tests i get mapped domains as the preview or title and description

just now i had changed my system name and front page title.. with the oddest of results.
front page title dreadlocks natural dreads system name dreadlockssite.com
the expected result being dreadlocks natural dreads | dreadlockssite.com

heres the weird part
i get that exact result in my code.. but
when google updated my listing i get dreadlocks natural dreads | philadelphiarainbowfamily.org
one of the mapped domains

the 1 that most often gets the preview or title

but heres the even weirder part
nowhere would philadelphiarainboiwfamily.org be set as system name (unless profile domains does that) and the dreadlocks natural dreads is taken only from the index page

so how is it it is drawing 2 parts of the title from 2 domains
why is it setting the other domain as system name

i have removed the domains and recreated them i all again but this is just oddball behavior

oops sorry heres the google listing
Dreadlocks Natural Dreads: Philadelphia Rainbow Family
Specializing in healthy dreads, and solving the problems caused by other websites. We are considered the only trustworthy site for honest dreadlocks info.

thats not right at all

to further confuse matters
<title>Philadelphia Rainbow Family | DreadlocksSite.com</title>
is the title of that mapped domain
as would be expected

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 01/01/18 02:27:56PM
8 years ago
95 posts
For correct Facebook share information after you make changes, run the Object Debugger in

It might take several times with the "Fetch new scrape information" before the Facebook system notices the changes, especially if there are new pictures. But it is way faster with the Debugger than waiting for them to notice the changes without it.
8 years ago
3,304 posts
thats not really the issue, even googles getting mixed titles from the main and profile domains

when i run a site speed test, the desktop and mobile views might show 2 diferent views 1 from the main urn the other from 1 or the other of the profile domains
and like i said google seems to be drawing 1/2 the tiitle from main page 1/2 from profile domain

oddly adding a : instead of |

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
