id recommend you learn some css its really not hard, that combined with simple template edits and you can even alow your members to set the colors of their names on their profile pages.
you can use the form designer to add stuff like profile_name_color and use the color picker tool to select a color
then tame that colr value and add it to inline css
i had posdted a tip somewhere in the ning forum i think (if that still exists) expolaining how to add a profile header cover image change the name color and the heading background color , for starters.
from there you can build in even more control if you want.
css can be edited in the skin styles thing but i find that extremely limiting so actually never used it
instead in templates if i wanted to targed a certain .item like the 1st .item in a forum post i can in that template add a second class or a id (when you learn css basics (again pretty simple) you'll know which to use. now in the skins css files you just use that new class or id to apply custyom styling to that item that through the skin style editor is innaccessible
between css template editing and the form editoir you have pretty much complete control and can give users controlk over the look of their own content
it would be ugly and silly but youi could even let users have custom background colors (ort even imagtes) for their forum posts.
learn to usefirefiox's plugin firebug!
if you want toi change the color of an item, simply right click it view element in firebug then you can play with the colors live (you see what you change others don't0 then when happy right click copy the code and paste into the end of your css file
firebug can teach you many css basics by simply using it
thats how i taught myself everything but css animation
as fotr fonts css uses font families. since not everyone hasd every font installed on their system you choose a font family and if a fonts not installed another from the same family gets used.
you can specify both a font and font family i believe and then if the 1 you specify is not inbstaled anopther from the samne family gets used.
if a specific font is essential i believe they can be downloaded and loasded with the page with link statementrs that load the font files before page rendering
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities