New Module settings

8 years ago
865 posts
Hey guys

I have raised this in the past but I thought I would bring it up again in light of this post

I still believe that having the same type of options that are available in the Issue tracker module, would be beneficial across all appropriate modules. ie

Allow Issue Tracker
can create trackers
can delete trackers

Which allow for anyone allowed quota to post on one issue tracker instance. It would allow site admins to create more unique sites in the sense that some would choose the default profile view for everything, but could also be configured to be site wide, with all users posting to a single instance of said modules.

These settings of course should not be enabled by default, as Jamroom is a profile centric system, but gives it another level of customisation. What other system could actually claim to come close to that?

I am confident that the profile centric nature puts some people off from using Jamroom, not sure how much work this would need across the respective modules, but it could be done one at a time.

updated by @garymoncrieff: 11/19/17 07:52:27AM
