Still don't fully understand Proxima

8 years ago
18 posts
Hi, my goal is to have a jamroom powered website, with registered users and their content and then eventually have a mobile app version of the site available for both Android and IOS downloadable from the respective play stores.

Is this actually possible is the question I wanted to ask.

From what I have read this would be possible using Proxima and then Proxima bridge but I still don't really understand these technologies.

Sorry for my ignorance but could someone give me a super dumbed down explanation of this.

Thanks so much
updated by @juancha: 11/27/17 07:23:05PM
8 years ago
2,804 posts

All Jamroom Team skins are mobile ready out of the box, so you really don't need a mobile app for your site.

You can check out our skin demos on PC and Mobile here:

Proxima is a bridge between your already created mobile app (we do NOT have any mobile apps for Jamroom at this time) and your app "back-end" which would normally be for storing your apps user data etc... and also to have a website so you can advertise and support your app.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
18 posts
Thanks for the reply.

Just to see if I've understood this correctly.

Proxima is a service where all the data from the mysql database would be stored....and then Proxima Bridge is a system that pulls out that data so you could display it on the front end of a mobile app that you download from the Google or IOS playstores.

However as for developing that front end app ....that's something I would need to see to myself as that's not something the Jamroom team offers....(not that this is necessarily a problem..if's more than I'm trying to understand how it all works)

Is the above basically correct?

Many thanks
8 years ago
7,799 posts
You're an app developer. You build an app called 'space invaders'. People play your game on their phones. Proxima is where the high scores are stored.

Similar service "Parse". Mobile developers used Parse. Parse was bought by facebook. Facebook shutdown Parse.

All the mobile developers who's info was stored on parse, then facebook, now is gone :( .

Lesson: They should have housed their data on their own server! Should have used Proxima.

25 April 2013
"Facebook Buys Parse To Offer Mobile Development Tools As Its First Paid B2B Service"

31 January 2017
"Facebooks Parse developer platform is shutting down today"
updated by @michael: 08/20/17 09:25:56PM
8 years ago
18 posts
Thanks for the reply ....sorry to be a pain any kind of front end app would be something I would need to create under my own steam then? is that basically correct?

Secondly being that I have font end coding skills but not app development skills is there anything you could suggest in terms of getting started....can you point me in the right direction?

Thanks so much
8 years ago
7,799 posts

on "How do I build an app?" there are many ways and offers of platforms on the web, but I don't have any recommendations sorry.
8 years ago
223 posts
Hello @juancha

you can see here how Proxima and Android working together, I can tell you from experience Proxima is one of the best tools I have ever use for our system. here you can see our android app in action. all the data comes from Proxima. is easy to use, but like any other system, you need to study all the functionalities.
8 years ago
18 posts
Hi @serveion I was really pleased you got in touch as I have noticed your website and the app which I thought were really good!

Can I ask how did you develop the front end app that is available to download at google playstore....was it using java and then making calls to Proxima to engage with the backend?

Sorry if these may seem really beginner questions but I'm really keen to learn as much as I can.

Thanks again.
8 years ago
223 posts
Hello @juancha

Yes the developer in charge of the app suggested we create a proxima sdk for Android all the calls goes to proxima and proxima send everything in Json they way they create proxima ia very cool as everything is very organized you can request audio data from the audio module on proxima using bridge. The front end of the app everything is done Android native code. Don't get me wrong we have been using jamroom cms for a long time, so we learn everything the we can before we start developing. My recommendation for you is create a development server and play with proxima as much as you can. Learn how data is structured create a sketch of your app start coding your app. We planing to release the proxima sdk to the public but that will take months as we do this in our free time. Jamroom is very easy to use. You will find tons of information here, the support at jamroom is awesome, read the forums you will find a lot of information.

Good luck bro Jamroom is the best cms out there in my opinion.
8 years ago
18 posts
Hi @serveion thanks so much I really do appreciate this ......I just feel that an app is a must really as far as image and marketing goes.....especially if my project is going to be popular amongst the young.....having said all that my background is with xhtml / css php and some javascript coding for websites....and I'm abit rusty now on those and creating an app myself is very daunting but I am determined ......and I really like your positive approach...all the best bro
8 years ago
242 posts
@juancha / @serveion : We are also interested specifically in Proxima Bridge. Our coder was not able to find any docs or code samples. Maybe we are missing something?
Anyone know where we can find the latest docs or code samples on Proxima Bridge?
updated by @softdesigns: 08/26/17 12:30:27PM
8 years ago
223 posts

You can find some information here.

There is not a full documentation on próxima but if you read the forums you will find some question and answer the my help you.
updated by @serveion: 08/26/17 05:33:20PM
8 years ago
242 posts
@serveion - Thanks - Yes, you confirmed - there is basically Little to NO documentation, or code samples for Proxima Bridge :(
Our pro coding team feels it's quite a risky investment to try and write code with no docs or samples...
Still it seems you were able to build an app using the bridge?
We would really like to start coding on Proxima Bridge API - but we are stuck...
How were you able to develop a production APP using Proxima Bridge - with no documentation or code samples?
updated by @softdesigns: 08/27/17 02:26:38PM
8 years ago
7,799 posts
Proxima doesn't fund itself, so doesn't get much attention. It was built for our internal projects then released as open source.

It probably won't get much attention any time soon, but does work. When I want to know something about it or answer a question, I turn on my debugger and walk through the code.

The code structure is the same as any other Jamroom module:
* include.php contains all the functions that aren't bound to a URL
* index.php contains any URL driven functions.

Got questions, we'll answer them. Found bugs, we'll fix them.
8 years ago
242 posts
@michael - Thanks - If it works and we can get unstuck, and start building on Proxima Bridge would be great.
Where to look for the PB code you mentioned above?
Per your advise, we will post PB questions here on the forum...
Just post created new post question here:
8 years ago
10,149 posts
One thing that is important to understand is that Proxima Bridge is NOT going to give you a full API into Jamroom modules - it's primary design was to allow listing of datastore modules outside Users.

You would not use Proxima Bridge to list user information - that is done via the Proxima User module.

Proxima was built with the idea that it would be a "back end" to a mobile app - not an add-on to a Jamroom site.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
