I am trying to perform a search in a collection with OR, but I don't know how to do it or if it is possible.
First I'll explain what I need to achieve. I have a tri-state variable with possible values being disabled, enabled and always. When this var state is enabled I need to check a valid timestamp of another variable. For this purpose let's define var1 the tri-state and var2 the timestamp. I need a list of valid items as followed:
items = (var1 == always || (var1 == enabled && var2 >= currDate)), where currentDate is a timestamp.
Using search operation with Proxima bridge the only way I can see to achieve this is by performing two requests:
···/search?search1=var1 eq enabled
···/search?search1=var1 eq enabled&search2=var2 gte 1503068018
Is there a way to perform this in a single request?
updated by @amartins: 12/09/17 08:57:45AM