Deleting Members After Export

Keith Mauck
Keith Mauck
8 years ago
67 posts
Its been a several months since the NING export and I need to delete the users that didn't activate their JR profile. What's the quickest way to do this-I have quite a few?
updated by @keith-mauck: 11/07/17 09:42:02PM
8 years ago
3,605 posts
Paul helped me do that a couple years ago when i migrated from Ning.. I can't recall now how it was done but the JR team will chime in for sure here!

Just wondering though - did you send out additional 'last chance' password reminders using the handy "Send Password" TOOL in the Ning Import module? Using it an additional time or two will send out the password login reminder again to all imported ning users who have NOT yet logged in... and will NOT send the reminder to those who already have logged in at least once. I actual;ly sent out these passwords reminders 4 times over a period of three months after migrating... after that I finally deleted all who had still not logged in. But each time I sent out the new batch I got another couple dozen people finally log in.

Also, if you decide to send one last login/password reminder to these people before deleting them, you can EDIT the password login generated email that the tool sends out... go to the Templates TAB of your Ning Import module and EDIT the email_login_message.tpl to make the message say anything you like to them.
You can include a part on whether you will help them log in or help with their password if they encounter problems. If they say their auto-password isn't working for them, you can then go into their account and change their password to something easy and send it to them. Once they successfully log in, they can again change their password to their choice if they like.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Keith
We built Strumelia a simple custom module to do this. We can copy it to you if you want?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Keith Mauck
Keith Mauck
8 years ago
67 posts
thanks @strumelia, I have definitely done all of your helpful suggestions. Thanks!

@Paul that would be fantastic!
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Have sent you an invite to the module's release channel

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
