solved Tags at the top of blog pages?

8 years ago
370 posts
The above title speaks for itself really. I am wondering if it is possible to move tags somewhere between the title and the text on blog detail pages? I am concerned that they are insufficiently prominent at the bottom of the page. If so, how would I go about it?

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 10/19/17 01:29:56AM
8 years ago
7,789 posts
Put this in your jrBlog item_detail.tpl page at the top where you want it:
{jrTags_add module="jrBlog" profile_id=$item._profile_id item_id=$item._item_id}

Then down in the bottom locate this:
        {* bring in module features *}
        {jrCore_item_detail_features module="jrBlog" item=$item}
and change it to
        {* bring in module features *}
        {jrCore_item_detail_features module="jrBlog" item=$item exclude="jrTags~item_tags"}
8 years ago
370 posts
Perfect.....many thanks :)

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru