Request order of DNS redirect to maintain email continuity.

8 years ago
93 posts
Hey all,

I currently host a domain off-site, but only use it for email currently. I plan to migrate this to a new Jamroom hosting, but I want to have the email work seamlessly. Can anyone suggest the order that I should configure mailgun/jamroom and change the redirects from the existing server over to the Jamroom server? I have a rough idea, but I don't want to be guessing. :) Thanks.

updated by @xephius: 10/12/17 12:50:08PM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi John -

Basically what you wan to do is:

1) Create the site on your Jamroom Hosted server
2) Don't update your nameservers for your domain to our nameservers - instead just update the A record and www A record (or CNAME) and point them to your Jamroom server.

That leaves the other DNS records such as TXT and MX records as they are and you'll have no interruption.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
93 posts
Thanks Brian,

If I wanted to use the redirect function of Jamroom to forward that email to my account, would I proceed as follows?

1) Create site on Jamroom Hosted Server
2) Setup mailgun
3) Create email redirects on Jamroom Hosted Server
4) Update nameservers

In this case, I would be able to redirect the old IMAP account to my gmail account when the nameservers switch over. Is that true?

Clear skies,
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Yep - that would work.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom