solved Audio Pro Landing Page "Welcome to your"

8 years ago
24 posts
I was able to change the "WELCOME TO YOURSITE.COM" text line to all white.

I would like to change the 3 words underneath. Please see screen shots of before and after changes. I'm guessing I'm missing something, I got the green light but it never changed. This is my first time working with code. I'm assuming that these tag lines could be completely removed as well if one needed. Thanks ahead time!
updated by @jordan: 10/05/17 02:51:29PM
8 years ago
2,804 posts
Chances are you've only changed the default parameter of the jrCore_lang function.

You can change that text in one of two ways.

1. Open your skins/jrAudioPro/lang/en-US.php and change the text there. Be sure to run the ACP > System Tools > Integrity Check tool and Reset Cache.

2. Go to your skins language tab... /core/skin_admin/language/skin=jrAudioPro and change the text there.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
7,793 posts
Use @douglas's second suggestion as it will hold up over skin updates that get released.

There's some docs here:

Docs: "Translate jamroom into another language"

That deal with the LANGUAGE tab. Each module has its own LANGUAGE tab where the strings are stored, and the skin you are using also has a LANGUAGE tab. Change the text there to the structure that you want.

Your skins language tab is found at:

Well done in cloning your skin before making changes.

Another way to make changes that doesn't involve cloning the skin is Using the Template Editor:

Docs: "Using the Template Editor"

The general rule for me is if I want to make changes to the skin via a web development system on my own pc then SFTP those changes up to the server, then clone the skin. If I just want to tweak a thing or two here and there but continue to keep getting any skin updates that may come out, then use the template editor as it will be easier to keep your skin up to date.
8 years ago
24 posts
Thanks guys this worked of course. You know I've been in the language tab and have also read the entire documentation and took notes before I even started building. I should have known better, although I love that have you guys are here and available to help speed up progress with our site. You can close this one. Thanks again....Cheers!
