closed After switching nameservers over to Jamroom for hosting

8 years ago
28 posts
will I still be able to do use my current host to make additions to my domain.
like if i wanted to add a section on my site to be a tribute to someone...
will i still be able to upload etc to my server as it is now and still show up?
as long as it was in a separate folder.... ie
(since jamroom is in my root folder.)
or will it be exclusively a jamroom "domain" when hosted by you?
I hope I am getting what I am trying to say expressed correctly.
updated by @dianebrooks: 09/10/17 05:12:57PM
8 years ago
7,788 posts
What your name servers do is they point to the computer (server) on the web which is responsible for delivering your website to the world.

Its like a street address. "Where do I find Dianebrooks?" "her address is 123 some street, some town, some country."

If you change your address, then people will look for you in the new location.

So is the house where they will look. and its expected that will be a room in that house.

On jamroom hosting, we only support jamroom, but other software may work. If it requires anything that is not already there it won't be added.

Don't install wordpress, its a gateway for your server to be hacked. But it is your server and you can upload what you need.

If you wanted to put a page at /tribute you can do that with the Site Builder system.

Docs: "What is Site Builder?"
8 years ago
28 posts would be more html then anything.
but since the tools are in jamroom already....might as well use them
just weighing my options before switching....
hopefully this weekend....
thanks for your time...and sorry to be a
8 years ago
7,788 posts
If you already have the HTML, then you can add that to your skin directly, no need to go outside the jamroom system.

clone your skin so that your changes dont get overritten when updates come out, then you have a couple of options.

Docs: "Creating your own Skin ( Clone from an Existing Skin )"

Then add the template with the name 'tribute.tpl' and that will show up at

Put whatever HTML you want in it.
templates.jpg  •  407KB

8 years ago
28 posts
ahhhhh ok.....
you just answered a whole different question for me too.
ok let me get the funds...i will switch
thanks so very much.
8 years ago
7,788 posts

Just a note, that if you want to edit that via SFTP, the file will be found at:
/skins/(YOUR SKIN NAME)/tribute.tpl

So you can use an IDE or any other web development system you like. The team use PhpStorm for development.
updated by @michael: 06/08/17 09:37:31PM
8 years ago
3,603 posts
I have a question about this template procedure you described, Michael. Perhaps you can clarify for me...

Say for example I have a site online that is not connected to my jr-hosted site. It's just a plain html site with various html pages.
Say I have a page there that I want to have on my JR hosted site: a simple .html page with a few images, some text, and an existing hotlinked Paypal button...
Are you saying that I could go to my custom JR skin, create a new template say call it buyitem.tpl ...with nothing in that template, and then simply paste the html code in its entirety, as is, from the other site's .html page/file into my jr template (with no other special code added to 'convert' it or make it jr compatible)... and that page would show up on my jr site looking and functioning the same, at: (mysite).com/buyitem ?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
7,788 posts
yes, exactly strumelia.

The only thing that could cause issues is javascript. Javascript likes to use squiggly brackets { and } so if you have any javascript on your page, wrap that in a {literal} block and you should be good. (could wrap the whole page in a {literal} block if you wanted.)

Docs: "{literal}{/literal}"

From that page, you will have access to all the jamroom functions too, so if you wanted to bring in a list of something using {jrCore_list} you could.
8 years ago
3,603 posts
OK, I understand about the {literal} wrapping. :)
One last question, about the .jpgs in the original html page- wouldn't i have to bring the image files referenced in the html code over to my jr server? Or would that be done automatically? If I have to manually bring the images over, where and how would I put them so as to show up in the new page? thanks!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
2,800 posts
OK, I understand about the {literal} wrapping. :)
One last question, about the .jpgs in the original html page- wouldn't i have to bring the image files referenced in the html code over to my jr server? Or would that be done automatically? If I have to manually bring the images over, where and how would I put them so as to show up in the new page? thanks!

You can upload your new images via your skins "Images" tab, after uploading the image, you'll see the code you need to use to show the image. See attachment...

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
3,603 posts
Ok, I think I get it Douglas- thank you... this will all come in handy!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
7,788 posts
When you copy+paste the code from wherever it is now, it will probably have links to the images wherever they are now.

If the images are going to stay there, then there is no issue leaving the links to where the images are. (although they may load a little slow, and not show up if that site goes down...)

You could put the images into the new skins /img/ folder, then you would have multiple ways of accessing them.

/skins/(YOUR SKIN)/img/flower.jpg
can be accessed from your template via:
{$jamroom_url}//skins/(YOUR SKIN)/img/flower.jpg
{jrCore_image skin="(YOUR SKIN)" image="flower.jpg" alt="flower"}
8 years ago
3,603 posts
Thank you, I understand now. I can tweak the html code I'm pasting in, to reflect the new jr location of the image file that I put in my skin 'image' folder. Yay! Saving this for when i need it, when I dismantle my old html site and turn it into a new JR site. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
