solved Kickbox email Validation

White Agency
White Agency
8 years ago
204 posts
We've noticed that email addresses are no longer being validated with Kickbox when new accounts are created or when an existing user updates their email address.

If you test an email address in the ACP then that DOES get verified at Kickbox.

Nothing is appearing in the Activity logs as well.

Looking at the graphs in Kickbox it stopped working in January this year !!

Any ideas?



updated by @white-agency: 10/05/17 09:05:45PM
8 years ago
7,799 posts
Still showing as working for us here on, activity log entry every day up to today.

Guess: Check if there are any logs at kickbox. Check your API key is correct.

another guess, check if anything changed on your server around the time when it stopped working.
kickbox.jpg  •  190KB

updated by @michael: 06/08/17 03:30:48AM
White Agency
White Agency
8 years ago
204 posts
API Key is correct as when using the test tool in the module it works and is recorded at Kickbox though nothing is recorded in the activity log on JR.

I get the same results on our Live and Test servers (physically different boxes at separate hosts).


8 years ago
4,335 posts
Mine is ok on my live site with daily results showing in the activity log.
Remember that sometime last year KickBox stopped offering the 100 a day free and all customers since then need to pay whereas all existing customers at that that continue to get the free ones. Maybe you need to check with them that your customer status is correct?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
White Agency
White Agency
8 years ago
204 posts
We've still got the 100 free a day account.

We have another none Jamroom site using the same Kickbox account and that is still working.

Attached is a graph from Kick from the past year showing usage across the two sites.

Swift Talk is the JR site. The big drop on the MAC graph is where we implemented further anti-spam measures but it is still working.

As I've mentioned the test tool is working OK.
kickbox-graph.jpg  •  124KB

8 years ago
7,799 posts
White Agency:....
We've still got the 100 free a day account.

We have another none Jamroom site using the same Kickbox account and that is still working.....
The other account is not using up your 100 a day quota by any chance leaving none for your jamroom site?
White Agency
White Agency
8 years ago
204 posts
Had a chance to have another look at this.

The 'Account Check' only works if the 'Daily Check' is also ticked off.
We've never used the 'Daily Check' feature in the past.

So I've currently got the 'Daily Check' set to '2' to get it working !

8 years ago
7,799 posts
well done :)
