solved how do you add more user groups

8 years ago
28 posts
I would like to add a few more options to the user groups ex: master admin, power user,
but cannot find where to do this or any other info on it in the documentation..
if i missed it and its there...i do apologize in advance....but i cannot locate it.
thanks for your help
updated by @dianebrooks: 09/06/17 08:06:01PM
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Diane
There are just the three User Groups in Jamroom, 'Master Admin', 'Profile Admin' and 'Regular User'. A 'Power User' is a user that has the power to create additional profiles for him/her self.
What is it that you are wanting? The chances are that it can be done with the 'Profile Quota' system.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
28 posts
ok i am working toward building a site for like unsigned/local bands and musicians and their fan bases....
at the moment i turned off the featured artists, etc on the main signin page because not all those who have signed up are musicians.... because it shows everyone who has signed up with the area for the for an artists songs etc....which is not needed for most fans.
Basically id like one setting for bands and one for fans... sorry i am not good at expressing myself very well
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Diane
Yes - This is down to the Quota system. I'd suggest two quotas, one for Artists/Bands, the other for Fans. Make them both 'signup' quotas and when registering, users will have the choice. You can then allocate Jamroom module functionality to each quota, for instance, only bands can upload songs and videos etc.
Checkout our 'Admin Handbook' docs here, particularly the 'Concepts' section to understand all about Profiles, Users and Quotas -

Once you have created the Artist and Fan quotas, maybe checkout the MediaPro skin. It can be configured with the Artist and Fan/Member quota IDs and is more ready to go with what you are wanting. Once you see how that works you can then, if necessary, switch back to AudioPro and customise that to your ends.
Hope that helps

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
28 posts
ok cool thanks
8 years ago
7,789 posts
There is a video about quotas in the Video Learning section too.

Video Learning: "The Admin Handbook: Learning Quotas"
