Playlist popup/lightbox window

8 years ago
302 posts

How can I make the lightbox modal playlist window appears always at center of my screen in mobile view? Does anyone know?


updated by @andrusito: 09/03/17 05:20:36PM
8 years ago
346 posts
i have my modal like this below and it opens in the center for me.
There could be another better way... but below works for me
i wrap it in a

div class = "container"

div class = "col2"
div class =" block" /div

div class = "col8"
*** your info****

div class = "col2"
div class = "block" /div


updated by @boplive: 05/30/17 11:32:37AM
8 years ago
7,790 posts
Its centered for me on Elastic2. Try a different skin, see if it changes.
elastic_2.jpg  •  159KB

updated by @michael: 05/30/17 07:11:17PM
8 years ago
302 posts
@boplive which skin are u using? thanks!

@michael note my button is on the left side of the screen and the lightbox window appears right below the button. In your case, it's ok because the button is on the right side. Thanks anyway.
8 years ago
346 posts
I have it working on the videopro,audiopro,iskin

You can also see if info from below link maY work
updated by @boplive: 05/31/17 10:43:13AM
8 years ago
2,584 posts
If the info from that link doesn't work...

The modal is positioned relative to the button using javascript.

It would be easiest to move your button to the right.

If you can't do that you could try changing the function jrPlaylist_position in /modules/jrPlaylist/js/jrPlaylist.js
 * position the playlist on the page via javascript so it doesnt get hidden
 * by the overflow hidden on the .row class.
function jrPlaylist_position(module, item_id){
    var bid = $('#playlist_button_' + module + '_' + item_id);
    var bpr = $(window).width() - bid.offset().left;
    var bpt = bid.offset().top;
    $('#playlist_' + module + '_' + item_id).appendTo('body').css({'position': 'absolute', 'right': (bpr - 35) + 'px', 'top': (bpt + 35) + 'px'});

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
8 years ago
302 posts
Thanks both of you, I will try it !!
